Oksana Grigorieva Claims Mel Beat Her During Sex

Okay, Mel Gibson has been sippin’ the crazy sauce, there’s never any doubt about that. But isn’t this taking it a little too far — even for Oksana Grigorieva?

So, Oksana wants us to believe that the only way Mad Mel could get his jollies was to beat on her during the act. What I have to wonder, then, is how come this is the first time we’re hearing about this? Surely, if Mel was a freak in the sack like this, it would’ve come out sooner. Don’t you think? I mean, it’s Mel Gibson we’re talking about here. Nothing is sacred in this war….not even the nookie.

This is the first mention of this that Oksana has made and has never said a word about violence such as this in her various interviews with police.

Do you believe her?

Roberta Ferguson: