People Magazine: What Happened To Baby Lisa, Debbie Bradley Under Fire (Photo)

The October 24th, 2011 issue of People Magazine features the cover story “What happened to Baby Lisa, A Mother Under Fire.”  The feature story is all about Deborah Bradley and her fiancé Bill Irwin and their missing daughter, Lisa.  When Bill got home from work he found his 10 month old daughter missing and Deborah who was drunk at the time claims she does not know what happened to Lisa.  Since Lisa’s disappearance investigators have tried to find out what happened to the little girl.

People Magazine has more “The spotlight has fallen on Irwin, 29, and Bradley, 25, who says she volunteered to take a lie detector test but that when she took it she was “terrified and nervous and worried about my daughter. They told me I failed.  We have absolutely nothing to hide,” says Bradley. “Let them search all they want, but do not take the focus off finding my daughter.”

How can a mother think it is okay to get drunk when her 10 month old daughter is sick with a cold.  Deborah had to come clean when she was caught on video earlier that day buying a box of wine.  She claims she drank five glasses and then may have passed out.    A polygraph she took  showed she may know where her baby is.  I am getting deja vu here and the Casey Anthony story is coming to mind.   If and when they find this little girl I hope social services steps in and takes her away from Deborah.

To find out more details of the story, pick up the current issue of People Magazine!

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Robyn Good:
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