Rachel Crow ‘I Can’t Get No Satisfaction’ The X Factor Performance Video 11/16/11

Tonight is an all Tonight is an all new episode of Simon Cowell’s The X-Factor. new episode of Simon Cowell’s The X-Factor.  The theme of the show this week is straight up Rock, meaning Rock and Roll sure to be a departure for most of the contestants in the competition.  The final remaining 10 contestants will take on a rock song for this Wednesday’s live performance episode.

Second up toniight Rachel Crow singing a version of The Rolling Stones’ I Can’t Get No Satisfaction. Below are the judges comments and the video of his performance tonight.

L.A. said: Last week you made your official return to the competition and the question is can you sell tickets and records, the answer is yes. Nicole said: That was the perfect song choice, it is my favorite performance of yours, it was effortless and fun. Paula said: You are one of my favorites, I love how you are connecting with the audience, when I see you up there I only see you. Simon said: Rachel you said to me this week that you wanted to win this competition and I can see you winning, there is nothing wrong with you wanting to win. I like winners. Most importantly now, people are going to respect you as a singer.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think?  Do you think they will be eliminated tonight?  Sound out in the comments below!  Stay tuned tomorrow night as well for the LIVE results show when host Steve Jones reveals America’s votes and who gets eliminated.  To see the rest of the videos visit our sister site Fit Fab Celeb here!

Robyn Good:
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