Rebecca Black Getting Death Threats Over ‘Friday’ Song

If you’ve missed the most terrible song ever to emerge from Youtube, AKA Rebecca Black’s song Friday, then count yourself among the lucky few.

This has got to be the worst song and video ever made, but it has received over 16 million views on Youtube, with people making it into the best meme ever. In the song, she sings about getting excited for the weekend and basically telling us that Saturday is tomorrow and Sunday comes afterwards.

A lyrical genius must’ve penned these lyrics!

In case you haven’t heard the song or seen the video, you have to be annoyed by it as much as I am. So you can partake in this crap below:
Now, it appears that the 13-year-old singer is getting death threats over this pile of crap. She revealed that she is getting all kinds of hate mail, including people on Twitter telling her to die.

In her new interview with Good Morning America this morning, she said that she cried when she first started getting the nasty comments over her debut video.

Among some of the hate mail she received, she said one note said, “I hope you cut yourself and I hope you get an eating disorder so you’ll look pretty and I hope you go cut and die.”

She said, “I felt like this was my fault. And I shouldn’t have done this, and this is all because of me. And now I don’t feel that way.”

As for what’s next from Rebecca? She says that she wants to do a duet with teen singer, Justin Bieber. Ugh.

Roberta Ferguson:
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