Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart’s Twilight Kisses Named Most Iconic

The Twilight Saga’s Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s on and off screen romance has everyone talking – there on and off screen chemistry is HOT.  Isn’t it appropriate than on Valentine’s Day Robert and Kirsten’s Twilight kiss has been named one of CNN’s top 10 most iconic movie kisses ever!  

In a previous interview Kristen said about playing Bella Swan :  “I get to kiss Edward Cullen.”   I bet the Twi-hards wish they could too.

Other kisses that made it to the top 10 list include Gone With The Wind, Slumdog Millionaire, Lady And The Tramp, Titanic, Ghost and Pretty Woman.

Now which kiss would you vote for?  Let us know…. My vote is Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr in ‘From Here To Eternity’

Kinsley Goldman:
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