Categories: Ron Artest

Ron Artest Radically Changing His Name–What Would Your New Name Be?

Ron Artest filed a petition with the L.A. County Superior Court to change his name to . . . I don’t know if I can continue writing because this is so ridiculous. Okay, I’ve composed myself.  [Get ready to read one of the most absurd things you’ll ever read here on CDL]. Ron hopes to change his name to . . . Metta World Peace.

I’m not even kidding.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the meaning of “metta,” it’s a Pali word meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, yaddy-yaddy-yah. Sources say that Ron wants to put the new name (which he’ll probably be granted) on the back of his L.A. Lakers player jersey.

TMZ says that, “These name changes are typically granted by a judge unless it would result in confusion or fraud.” Perhaps I’m a little too quick to judge  outrageous celebrity name changes. Maybe we should give Peace a chance in this world of ours. What do you think?

And now, in honor of Mr. Artest’s current endeavor, we’d like you to tell us what you’d change your name to. Anything goes. Click on the “Take Our Survey” button below and write in the classy (and by classy, I mean over-the-top ridiculous) name you’ve always desired. You can also change the name of any one of your favorite celebrities (just make sure to tell us whose your changing!).

I’ll post the best ones later tonight or tomorrow morning, along with any developments in Mr. Artest’s case, for everyone to view.

Image Credit to: WENN.com and worldpeaceorganisation.wordpress.com
Nicholas Sanford: