Russell Brand Draws Fire For Remarks Patronizing Paralympics And Knocking Olympics

Russell Brand has shown himself to be an arrogant and rude A-hole and his recent comments on the both the Olympics and Paralympics show that he hasn’t changed.

Doing stand-up comedy last week he told the crowd: “I don’t give a f**k about the Olympics. It’s boring Blue Peter sport and a waste of taxpayers’ money. At least the Paralympics have some kind of novelty value or something.”  London is set to hold both the Olympic and Paralympic Games late next summer.

Several leading Paralympics have spoken out against Brand after taking exception to the remark – calling the comment “patronizing.”

Wheelchair racer David Weird, who won two gold medals at the 2008 Beijing games, tells Britain’s The People, “Calling the sport a novelty is offensive. It’s not like I get up, do one marathon then go to bed for the rest of the year. I train every day – I am no different to Paula Radcliffe.”

Paula Radcliffe is a great British runner who currently holds the woman’s’ world record for the marathon.

Dressage star Natasha Baker adds, “We’ve worked harder than ¬anyone to get here. We’ve suffered life-threatening ¬illnesses. It’s both ¬patronizing and upsetting for Russell Brand to describe us as a ¬novelty.”

Brand’s remarks show both his ignorance and arrogance. No surprise here at all.

Image credit to FayesVision/WENN.com

Dr. Jody Overland: