Russell Crowe Cuts Circumcision – Calls It ‘Barbaric’

Russell Crowe expressed his feelings on circumcision on Twitter this morning when he declared the practice ‘barbaric and stupid.’ The Australian actor, 47, risked inciting the wrath of religiously observant Jewish and Muslim people when he declared the practice of removing some or all of a male’s foreskin as ‘immoral.’

As if Russell Crowe were the king of morality and wisdom – rather than a overpaid actor who knows next to nothing.  The row started with a simple question from a pregnant follower, who asked Crowe if he thought she should get her unborn baby boy circumcised.

However, when follower ‘Picknic11’ tweeted: ‘Do you think I should get him circumstanced?’, Crowe cleverly replied: ‘Here’s a life rule, if you can’t spell it, don’t do it.’ The actor, who has two sons Charlie, seven, and Tennyson, four, with wife Danielle Spencer, believes babies are ‘perfect’ as born and should not be tampered with.

Does Crowe think we should dispense with vaccines as well? After all ‘babies are perfect’ he says.

He said: ‘Circumcision is barbaric and stupid. Who are you to correct nature? Is it real that GOD requires a donation of foreskin? Babies are perfect.’

When one Twitter user ‘Hodanismail’ claimed ‘there’s actually a scientific reason for it’, Crowe answered: ‘My friend, “human” science has caused too much damage, don’t be a moron.’

Another user ‘BarackMcBush’ insisted ‘It’s more hygienic and nobody remembers it.’  The Tweet then prompted Crowe to blast: ‘Hygienic? Why don’t you sew up your a** then?’  LOL – LOL!

When another user ‘TAHIRcomedian’ insisted ‘a matter of cleanliness’ was a reason for circumcision, Crowe to reply: ‘They are also by and large immoral, so F it, cut it all off at birth (I expect a royalty when I hear you do this as a routine).’

A follower named ‘Lolis02’ then brought up the religious reasons for circumcision – referring to the bris ceremony, when a newborn Jewish boy undergoes the procedure. After Crowe retweeted two followers comparing circumcision to sexual mutilation, she said: ‘Honestly you are comparing sexual mutilation with a Jewish ceremonial act?!’

He said: ‘Can you actually read the words you just typed “a ceremonial act”? F**K that. The Mayans had ceremonial acts too.’

Russell Crowe Calls Circumcision Barbaric – Another Point Of View

Crowe insisted he didn’t mean to offend any religions and insisted he had many close friends who were Jewish, including director Eli Roth, who he is currently working with on a film.  He explained: ‘Many Jewish friends, I love my Jewish friends, I love the apples and the honey and the funny little hats but stop cutting your babies @eliroth.’

When a user tried to whip up further controversy by claiming the newspapers would claim ‘Russell Crowe against Jews’, he hit back: ‘You should delete that tweet because it makes you look like an idiot.’ We can get by without little fingers and toes too, we can can still be fully human missing limbs.’

When a follower said her fiancé wished he had been circumcised as a young boy, Crowe continued: ‘Same as tattoos/ plastic surgery; he is an adult and he “wants” it, then off you go, mothers were right to keep their babies intact.’

He finally attempted to finish the row by reiterating his views: ‘I will always stand for the perfection of babies, I will always believe in God, not man’s interpretation of what God requires.’  ‘Last of it, if you feel it is your right to cut things off your babies please unfollow and f**k off, I’ll take attentive parenting over barbarism.’

Another Twitter follower then tried to bring up the controversial issue of abortion.

‘Jamiemiller74’ wrote: ‘I’m still waiting for @russellcrowe to give his opinion on abortion since he loves babies and all…’

Crowe replied: ‘Abortion should always be a woman’s choice, there is no benefit to “forced” motherhood…you got it? don’t like it then bye.’

What business is it of Russell Crowe’s what people do? Any parent who cares what Russell Crowe has to say should not be having children. Where does this pompous fool come off delivering his ignorant opinions on questions about which he is so poorly informed. Oh yes – Twitter, where every idiot can have an opinion.

Image credit to Robert Wallace/WENN.com

Dr. Jody Overland:
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