Sarah Palin Has A WTF Moment She Thinks Sputnik Brought Down Communism

Former Alaska GOP Governor Sarah Palin was interviewed by Greta Van Susteren of Fox News about Barack Obama’s State of the Union address.  Sarah said “That was a tough speech to sit through and try to stomach.”  During the interview she said his theme for the evening was “wtf” winning the future.  Well after listening to her interview with Greta in the video below – Sarah Palin had a huge WTF moment herself – she said Sputnik brought down communism??  Sarah Palin really should infom herself about the history of the country of which she intends to be president.

During the interview Greta said:

 “There was a lot of discussion about the sputnik moment that the president talked about.   Do you agree with him is this our moment?

Sarah replied:

That was another one of those WTF moments. When he so often repeated the Sputnik moment that he would aspire Americans to celebrate he needs to remember that what happened back them with the former communist USSR and their victory in that race to space ya they won abut they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.  I listen to that Sputnik moment over and over and I thought what we need is a Sputnut moment.   Rambling on about some coffee shop in Washington.

Palin is confused for a change-the launch of Sputnik on Oct 4, 1957 was not only a significant technological breakthrough for the soviet union but it made them leaders at the time in the new space race and put Americans into a panic.  In fact the space race helped the Soviet Union to develop their technology and industrialization-it did not contribute to the downfall of communism and eventual breakup of the USSR.  This breakup was influenced by the great cost of the arms race pushed by the Reagan admiration more 20 years after sputnik.

Robyn Good: