Survivor Redemption Island – Week TWELVE Recap & Who Was Voted Out?

This week’s Survivor Redemption Island Week 12 post is brought to you by Rosie from Fit Fab Celeb. Take it away Rosie….  Keep checking back as we update this space and bring you the whole show! Ometepe is about to start ripping itself apart and it’s going to be fabulous! Finally we’ll get some real action after so many weeks of Zapatera team mates getting voted off with little resistance from their crumbling tribe.

At this point, Phillip is the perfect person for Rob to take with him in the final two – but will Phillip outsmart Boston Rob and change the direction of the game, I have a feeling Rob is in for a surprise!

Here we go, tonight’s recap: Natalie comes back from Tribal Council and breaks down – now that Zapatera is gone, the reality that Ometepe will have to send their own home, is too much for her. Tree mail arrives and the contestants are given a video of family special messages for each one of them – loads of tears and a group hug, then everyone is off to the duel. At Redemption Island,  Ralph, Mike, Matt and Steve also get their special family video messages.

The four competitors for the duel get ready for the battle to see whose quest is over and who will stay to continue to fight for a million dollars. The winner of the duel will get to spend the day with a love one. The competitors have to break tiles by tossing a rock at them. First person to break all four times wins the award, it is Mike and he just one some in-person love with a family member. The last three continue, Matt and Ralph are in – the journey for Steve is over. Mike’s mother arrives to spend time with him but before they embrace, Mike has to choose if he wants to keep the reward, give it to Matt and Ralph, or option 3; give it to the rest of the tribe. Tough decision.

Mike refers to the bible in loving thy brother and decides to give the reward to the rest of the tribe, therefore letting more people have the reward. Smart move, he just crawled his way right to the top – or did he?  Mike swears he didn’t make the decision strategically – he claims God asked him to do it, ugh.

Back at camp, Ometepe tribe mates are having a wild time spending time with their loved ones.

More tree mail arrives and there is an immunity challenge, Rob has a new target; he is out to get rid of Andrea and plans to make sure she doesn’t win immunity. Survivors have untie knots that release planks, then they have to figure out which plank they need in proper order to build a stair case, first person to the top wins – Boston Rob is the winner!

There is a blindside brewing, the tribe is saying their voting out Phillip when Andrea will actually be the one voted out – or will she because Phillip starts acting like a lunatic again.  Unbeknownst to Rob, Phillip is aware that the only reason Rob keeps him around is that he thinks he will win the million against him in the final two.

At Tribal Council, Phillip calls himself a Senior Statesman and a guy the leads buy example – the guy is nuts! Rob admits that he feels really good at this stage in the game that he has the immunity around his neck. Time to vote.


Rosie Leblanc:
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