Tamara Ecclestone Poses Naked With Over $1 Million In Cash (Photos)

Tamara Ecclestone filmed a promo for her new reality show ‘Billion $$$ Girl’ by stripping off naked and getting into bed with over $1.5 million dollars worth of British cash.

These days with ‘Occupy Wallstreet’ inspired protests spreading around the world Tamara‘s flaunting of her obscene wealth might just earn her some negative publicity. But then again, for a celeb, is there real any such thing as bad publicity? Probably not – the public’s standards couldn’t be much lower.

Photographer Tyler Shields who Celeb Dirty Laundry recently interviewed was hired to produce these images – a series of photographs that reek decadent wealth and privilege – creating a potential Marie Antoinette scenario. Shields is one of the hottest photographers at the moment, having shot Lindsay Lohan, Heather Morris from Glee and Mischa Barton

The concept behind the photos is to use Tamara’s sexy good looks combined tons of hard cash and have the model performing ordinary household tasks.

We see Tamara frying an egg with Christian Louboutin heels laying about , ironing money, sweeping the streets dressed in a super expensive outfit, and of course squirming around on a bed naked with the cash.

All of this takes place in and around her own $80 million mansion and the best part is this: ITS HER OWN CASH THAT SHE JUST HAPPENED TO HAVE LYING AROUND THE HOUSE THE DAY OF THE SHOOT!!

Sheilds’ agent told The Sun: “Tyler asked if she could get hold of £1million (IN CASH) and she said she already had it lying around. So he got her to lie in it naked.”

Tamara hopes the program will show the ‘real her’, rather than the public’s perception of her just being the daughter of Formula One CEO Bernie Ecclestone. Obviously the girl is delusional as well as filthy rich.

In an interview this week Tamara detailed her extravagant lifestyle, which involves three weekly hair appointments, a holiday every month and getting her dogs groomed at Harrods Pet Spa.

She said: “My mum is always having a go at me about my spending – when she sees all the clothes in my dressing room she tells me I have mental problems.”

“But I can’t pretend this isn’t my life. OK, I feel bad about it sometimes, but it doesn’t make me a horrible person.”

“I’m not going to lie and say I don’t love clothes and bags. Actually I do a lot of charity work and give loads of my clothes, shoes and bag away.”

She does admit that she stormed out of a Los Angeles restaurant where she was due to dine with younger sister Petra recently.

She revealed: “Yes, I did storm out. But it was because I’d come with a group of friends and there weren’t seats and I just thought it was rude so we left. Petra and I row, but she’s also my closest friend.”

She said: “I enjoyed shooting with Tyler as he is so creative and this shoot was so different to anything I have ever done.”

“In my new TV show I am trying to come across as Tamara, rather than Bernie’s daughter, and I believe the shoot with Tyler will make me be seen in that way.”

Some people are just really really lucky that they were born before their parents – Tamara Ecclestone is one.

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Annemarie LeBlanc:
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