‘Teen Mom’ Amber Portwood Goes After Kim Kardashian

Anyone that wants to take on Kim Kardashian has my fullest support, so when Teen Mom star Amber Portwood decided to bust a verbal cap on Kim’s gigantic butt — all we can do is approve!

Recently, Kim acted like an expert on teen pregnancies, basically saying that the MTV show was glamorizing pregnancies in teenage kids. Amber didn’t take too kindly to the comments and laid the smackdown on the big-butted reality star.

Amber said, “There’s actually a study that shows since the original 16 and Pregnant aired, the number of teen pregnancies has gone down. Last time I checked, Kim Kardashian had a sex tape floating around on the internet and I’m pretty sure she made a lot of money off of it. She made a sex tape when she was younger, and she wants to bash the girls on Teen Mom?”

Amber went on to say, “If you read the articles about the show, they do nothing but talk about how the show reveals how hard it is for all of us. It doesn’t glamorize anything! It shows the heartache we’ve all gone through. We may be ‘celebrities’ because our face is out there, but it’s only because we’ve done some bad things. That’s not glamorous.”

It’s good that someone is finally putting Kim in her place. She got famous for leaking her own sex tape and has slapped the Kardashian name on virtually everything imaginable.

Roberta Ferguson:
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