Tiger Woods And Caddy Steve Williams Now Buddies Again After Racial Slur

Tiger Woods, the former world number 1 golfer shook hands with his former caddy Steve Williams after speaking face-to-face about the Steve’s racial slur last week.

Speaking in Sydney ahead of the Australian Open, Woods said: “We talked this morning. We met and talked about it, talked it through.  It was hurtful. Obviously it was the wrong thing to say. We’re moving forward.  He did apologize but life goes forward. Stevie’s certainly not a racist, there’s no doubt about that.”

Tiger, 35, won 13 Majors in 12 years while Williams was his caddy but the pair split in July – and not on friendly terms either.

Williams then teamed up with Adam Scott.  And after Aussie Scott won the Bridgestone Invitational in August, Williams claimed it was the best week of his life.

The Sun reports:  When quizzed about those remarks at a Caddy Awards ceremony in China on Friday, Williams declared: “It was my aim to shove it up that black a******e.”

Williams, 47, apologized the next day. But yesterday he said: “It was kind of like a locker-room environment, everyone was having a good time.”

“My comments were by no means the worst that were passed. There were a lot of profanities and other kinds of remarks but just because I make a remark regarding my former employer it gets blown out of all proportion. It’s absolutely ridiculous.”

“You make one comment in a room, having a bit of fun, how does that make you a racist?  It’s making a mountain out of a molehill and I’m not worried about it one bit.”

As they say – all’s well that ends well.

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Dr. Jody Overland:
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