Categories: True Blood

True Blood Season 4 Episode 9 ‘Let’s Get Out of Here’ Preview – Video

On last night’s episode of True Blood the confrontation between the witches and the vampires caused all hell to break lose and Sookie got shot.  It was Alcide to the rescue as he spirited Sookie away.  A very mad Debbie watches. (Alcide promised Debbie he would have nothing more to do with Sookie).   Meanwhile poor Eric is once again under Marnie/Antonia’s spell.  If you missed last night’s show catch our recap HERE.

In the preview for next week’s episode ‘Let’s Get Out Of Here’  Trying to recover after her latest near-death trauma, Sookie envisions a world where there’s room for both Bill and Eric.  Jesus tries to get rid of creepy ghost lady out of Lafayette; Marcus enlists Alcide to help him deal with the Sam situation (Same is dating the mother of his child)  Hoyt asks Jason to  delivery something to Jessica.  Marnie plots her next move against the vampires.

The werewolves have decided to stay out of the war with the witches and the vampires but with Alcide helping Sookie on last night’s episode I wonder how long that will last and how long it will take for Marcus and Alcide to fall out.

Watch the preview below of next week’s episode and let us know what you think in the comments below!

Annemarie LeBlanc: