Breaking Dawn Part 1: So You Want To Know What I Thought?

I know you all are probably DYING to hear what I thought of Breaking Dawn Part 1, the first of two installments of Stephanie Meyer’s last book of the Twilight series.  I know that many of you are baffled as to why they chose to make it into two movies.  Well, maybe not baffled as the answer is quite simple – suspense and money – but you know what I mean.  A lot of critics (and I’ll be honest, some of my friends – girls that is) who went and saw it said it was “too drawn out and too long”.  They said the honeymoon could have been cut down, there wasn’t much dialogue, and it was somewhat ‘flat’.

This is what I say.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!?  Clearly, these people are not die-hard Twilight fans like yours truly.  Haven’t we wanted all this time to see the love captured between Edward and Bella like that in which it does so remarkably in the books?  Haven’t we begged the screenwriter’s to ensure the essence of their love story stay true to their magical perfect story of love and undying affection??

Seriously – I laughed, I cried, and I did this all by myself.  I am not ashamed to admit that I went to the theater solo – I highly recommend it by the way.  Good on the boys who I spied in the theater shuffling uncomfortably in their seats, you might have been dragged, but go you went.

I was SO happy that the story was stretched out – seeing the wedding, the honeymoon, the unplanned pregnancy – was exactly how I had hoped.  I knew, because they had to keep it PG, that certain things would not be as ‘graphic’ as I wanted them to be (if it were up to me I would have preferred an ‘R’ rating, but such is not the case).  I commend director Bill Condon and screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg for putting together the pieces of an epic love story together in a way that left me so intensely satisfied and…well, just plain happy.  I’ve (ok, ‘we’ve) been a part of these character’s lives for quite some time, and justice to their story was definitely served.  And can we talk about the awesome birth scene?  I was well impressed with the ‘graphicness’ in which they portrayed – I thought they would go wayyy more safer. And the very ending when vampire Bella opens her eyes after undergoing her change?  OMG, I’m getting excited just talking about it.  Call me lame, call me what you want.  But I’m happy, and I’m a true fan – and that’s what matters.


Sarah Silverthorne:
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