Vanessa Hudgens Angry Over Nude Photo Leak

Disney star Vanessa Hudgens is totally ticked off over the latest nude photo scandal that she’s found herself entangled in!

Vanessa’s attorney, Christopher Wong, released a statement, saying, “Vanessa is deeply upset and angered that these old photos, which were taken years ago, continue to resurface. It is particularly disturbing that whoever got a hold of these private photos seem to be intent on illegally leaking them out over a long period of time.”

He added, “We are actively working with law enforcement to determine who is responsible and to hold them accountable for their actions.”

I still maintain my first thought on this whole thing, she probably leaked these photos herself. It’s all a publicity stunt to gain more interest in her movie releases. But I do have a piece of advice for Vanessa and celebrities like her: If you don’t want these nasty pictures out on the internet, then stop letting someone take your picture in that situation.

Who’s with me?

Photo Credit: WENN.com/FayesVision

Roberta Ferguson:
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