What’s The Score with Hunger Games? Ahem, Music That Is

So if you are a Hunger Games fan like yours truly, it’s understandable that any news is good news right?  I’ve taken it upon myself with a little help from my awesome co-workers to bring you all things Hunger Games related – the good, the bad and the ugly… ok maybe not bad and ugly because the movie (like the books) is going to be wicked!

You’ve seen the trailer, you know the cast – but do you know the score?  Hmm, well let me tell ya!  Composer Danny Elfman was set to score the movie, but due to many other projects on the go, James Newton Howard is taking over.  Now, I’d by lying if I was terribly familiar with either, but this is what I’ll tell you.  Howard is the Oscar nominated composer of great scores like The Last Airbender, The Dark Knight, I Am Legend, Michael Clayton, The Village, and The Fugitive – need I say more?  Elfman is understandably busy and over-scheduled working on the upcoming features Men in Black 3, Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows, and Sam Raimi’s Oz: The Great and Powerful.  Busy?  Absolutely.  Will the movie suffer?  I think not.

Either way, judiging by both of these amazing composers resumes and talent, I think it’s safe to say HG will be sounding just as it should – brilliant.

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Sarah Silverthorne:
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