Yale Student Says James Franco’s Tweets SUCK – He Should Match ‘Gold Standards’ of Kayne

We thought we’d heard enough of James Franco and the criticizing remarks surrounding his hosting performance on last Sunday’s Academy Awards show.  This time however, it has nothing to do with the Oscars.  On Saturday evening, before the Awards, a fellow Yale underground (and a Yale Daily News writer) blasted Franco for…wait for it…

Not writing proper tweets!!  

Franco, who only just recently joined Twitter and even went as far as carrying his phone out on stage with him at the beginning of the show, has been actively using his account over the past few weeks to initially promote the Oscars.  The Yale writer, Cokey Cohen (and shesec’s making fun of Franco for allegedly being a stoner? Really?), wrote “James Franco, your Twitter sort of sucks.  He’s a celebrity Tweeter, which deserves all caps and necessitates a higher quality of meaningless, incessant electronic communication”.  She also went on by saying that his tweets should aspire to match the “gold standard” set by Kanye West.  

Seriously?  Wasn’t it just last week that we were all hating on Kanye for his ridiculously insensitive abortion tweets?  Firstly, let’s pick and choose our battles here.  If this is really an issue Ms. Cohen has than I suggest she finds a new hobby. Secondly, as much as I do not agree with Kanye’s tired and boring rants to gain attention – it’s his choice.  It’s called freedom of speech.  If James Franco wants to talk about the colour of his underwear, so be it.  Follow him or don’t, but to be criticized for not being all ‘Kanye-enough’ is absolutely outrageous.  I for one am on a mission to track down ol’ Cokey on Twitter and see how witty and stimulating she is.  The only thing exciting she’s got going for her is her name.  Okay, okay –  so I kind of have my back up for Franco, I just like him what can I say?

 For Franco’s part, and this is probably why I love him, he responded to her request and posted a picture of himself alongside the scrawled words “F**k you Yale Daily News”.  Oh Franco, I’m so proud – but the question is…would Kanye be?  Meh, who cares about him anyway…

Sarah Silverthorne:
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