American Idol heads to the City of Roses Portland, Oregon tonight in search of new talent and to find the next American Idol. THis week will be the final week of auditions. Stand by as we live blog the show with all the up-to-the-minute results. Last week at the end of the Houston, Texas auditions 54 people were given their golden tickets to Hollywood. If you missed the episode you can read our recap and see all IDOL news here!
After the first day of auditions in Portland Steven Tyler said he knew, ‘Portlanders could sing.’ All the judges agreed that Portland lived up to it’s slogan, “Keep Portland Weird.” Ryan Seacrest called the Portland auditions ”an inspirational evening you won’t want to miss.”
Meanwhile American Idol continues to be in a rating slump. NBC returns with the second season of “The Voice” on Sunday, giving it a special boost by slotting it directly after its Super Bowl telecast. We will soon see if that will hurt Idol’s ratings even more.
We will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details at 8 PM EST so make sure to come back to this spot and watch the show with us. Refresh often to get the latest updates!! In the meantime check out the video below!
TONIGHT’S RECAP: From all reports tonight’s show is suppose to be good. The show opens with:
Brittany Zika and she sings The Story by Brenda Carlisle. Her voice is amazing, just beautiful. All three judges vote YES and she gets a golden ticket! Off to Hollywood for her! Steven has already started flirting he told her he is too young to be so old ……
Ben Purdom from Philadelphia – He is a cable TV salesman and he is singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga, he is horrible he cannot sing. He has a cold but een without a cold he would not be good. No golden ticket for him!
Jermaine Jones, 24, from New Jersey who is 6′ 8″ and he is a church singer – he tall sang Superstar. Randy loved him, Jennifer thought he had a natural gift, Steven thought the song was really spiritual and it took him away. All the judges agree he is unique. Jennifer tells him he has to loosen up a bit. All three judges give him a YES and he is on his way to Hollywood!
Britnee Kellogg, 27 – from Vancouver, WA – tells the judges she has 2 beautiful boys and when she was married her husband held her back but she supported him and his Basketball and then he found another women. So now she is doing something for her. She is singing ‘You’re no good and she is awesome. Jennifer loves her, Randy too and all three chime in YES! J Lo talks to her about how you don’t have to leave your kids to follow your dream. She is going to Hollywood.
Sam Gershman, 21, and she sang – I’m a Women – Steven tells her she would make a good Easter Bunny because she is so perky. Jennifer tells her she should keep going – she has to work on things but she should be on a stage . All three judges vote NO!
David Weed,22, from Idaho – Works in Fast Food and he sang Tom Sawyer by RUSH. Ewwww he is bad! Randy asks him what he would like to do besides singing and he says stand up comedy and he is bad at that too. All three judges say NO!
Romeo Diahn from Liberia – He talks of life as a refugee and how his family made it to America. Jennifer loves his vibe and his flavor. He has a different vibe than anyone else. They all say YES and he is going to Hollywood!
Naomi Gillies, 22, from MA and she is a Steven Tyler song Crying. Steven liked her because she belted it out. All three judges say YES and she is going to Hollywood!
We get treated to a lot of drama – people crying and being refused.
Ben Harrison, 28, Eugene, OR – He goes on a lot about his baby face. He looks like a cartoon character. He sings Somebody to love by Queen. It is a NO!
Jessica Philips, 25, from Brooklyn, NY – her boyfriend Angelo had a stroke – when he woke up he did not know who she was. Her relationship with him has changed – she is his caretaker. Everyday is a struggle for her. She sings Again by Faith Evans. Jennifer thought she did it very well. All three judges say YES and she is going to Hollywood!
The auditions are closed and 45 Portland, Oregon contestants earned a golden ticket to Hollywood. Tomorrow night the auditions finish at the Gateway to The West in St. Louis – so meet us tomorrow to see the best of the Midwest! MOSTLY!