American Idol 2012 Recap: ‘Top 3 Performance’ 5/16/12

American Idol 2012 Recap: 'Top 3 Performance' 5/16/12American Idol 2012 Recap: 'Top 3 Performance' 5/16/12

We are in the semi-finals of American Idol and tonight is the last performance show of the season before the finale.  Tonight will be a big night, the Top 3 will sing three songs.  On last week’s show sadly we had to say goodbye to Hollie Cavanagh the judges thought her rendition of “I Can’t Make You Laugh Me” by Bonnie Raitt just didn’t do it and she was sent home.

Last week there has never been performances as good as Joshua Ledet’s “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World” and Phillip Phillips“Volcano”.   Did you see the episode, if you missed it, you can read the full recap HERE.

On tonight’s last performance show of the season before the finals the contestants will be bring their A game and singing three songs.  One will be picked by the American Idol judges, another by mentor Jimmy Iovine and the third will be a song of their choosing.

The song list for tonight has been released but of course we do not know who is singing what.  Here are the songs the contestants will be peforming tonight: ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon; ‘My All’ by Mariah Carey; ‘No More Drama’ by Mary J. Blige; ‘We’ve Got Tonight’ by Bob Seger; ‘I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing’ by Aerosmith; ‘Beggin’ by Madcon; ‘I’ll Be There’ by Jackson 5; ‘Disease’ by Matchbox 20 and ‘I’d Rather Go Blind’ by Etta James.

We will be live blogging ‘The Performance Show’ with all the up-to-the-minute details at 8 PM EST so make sure to come back to this spot and watch the show with us and find out who the Final 2 are! Refresh often to get the latest updates!

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And here we go with our live recap!!

Take note folks – for next week tune in on Tuesday for the performances and the final elimination show will be on Wednesday – when the American Idol will be chosen!

ROUND 1 – Now we are watching and hearing the judge’s when – they pick the songs.

First up is Joshua Ledet singing I’d Rather Go Blind By Etta James

Judges Comments: Steven said, “This is another Joshua moment.” Jennifer said, “You are such a throwback and I love that about you.” Randy said, “I hope you can bring your touch to modern times.”

Next is Jessica Sanchez is singing My All by Mariah Carey

Judges Comments: Randy said, “That was absolutely beautiful, the right song for you, excellent.” Jennifer said, “Hard song, but you did it so beautiful in your own way, you have control.” Steven said, “When you sing you make people hang on your every note, get used to encores and in a crazy way, you will be the last one standing here.”

Last is Phillip Phillps who is singing Begging by Mankind

Judges Comments: Randy said, “We were just at the Phil Phillips concert, you are in the zone, you have a good time, another incredible performance by you, you are who you are and we love it.” Jennifer said, “You catch a grove in a song that brings you all the way home, it was great.” Steven said, “Can you believe this guy? It is so beautiful to see you unfold on stage, I’m hoping that you write your own songs because you could be the new Springsteen.”

That is a wrap for round one and Phillip Phillips was the only one to get a standing ovation. Randy thinks Joshua has a slight edge of winning the round, Jennider disagrees because she thinks it is Phillip and Steven is on the fence.

ROUND 2 – Contestants Choice

Home town visit: Joshua is next but first we get to see his home town visit to Westlake, Louisiana and when his plane lands, his family and friends are waiting for him. The funniest thing, in the limo Joshua says the fans think he is “Barack Obama”. Joshua is back in his congregation and feels grounded to be reminded of who he is. Joshua picks up his adorable niece, Chloe, and tells her that she is going to drive in the car with him for the parade. The fans are going crazy, Joshua is waving, kissing babies and then it is off to his high school to see all his friends and the place is packed. On to Burton Coliseum where Joshua is performing in concert for his home town. The first song he sings is my favorite, “It’s a Mans Mans Mans World”. The evening ends with fireworks and Joshua heads back to LA.

Joshua Ledet performs his own choice Imagine by John Lennon

Judges Comments: Randy said, “Why did you choose this song? (Joshua says he heard it on the way to the show and loved the message) Everything you sing should touch you, you dig deep into the lyric and the performance, another stellar performance, I love that, Brilliant dude.” Jennifer said, “Its a pull back moment for you, it was beautiful, we have three different voices in this finale, but the performance quality the way you dig deep makes you special, it takes vulnerability and courage.” Steven said, “It was beautiful, another thank you God moment, every time you take it over the top because you are so fine. ”

Home town visit: Jessica is second but we are going to see her home town visit to Chula Vista, California first, she travels by helicopter, landing in the football field where it all began with her audition. A limo drive brings Jessica to Chula Vista Auditorium to visit everyone from her home town. Jessica sees her family and promises she is going to win it for them. On to the parade, Jessica is shocked to see how many people are there to see her, she loves it! Mayor Cheryl Cox announces that the day is officially being called “Jessica Sanchez” day. Next on to the Uss Midway Museum, where there is another crowd and Jessica sings a song, “Dance With My Father” for her dad that is overseas.

Jessica Sanchez performs her own choice I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith

Judges Comments: Randy said, “You are choosing tough hills to climb tonight, you are bold, you want this – it was slow in the beginning, but you delivered.” Jennifer said, “You don’t know what a big deal that is, he has never said a good thing about someone who sang his songs, really good job baby.” Steven said, “You just took a great song and made it greater, beautiful.”

Home town visit: Phillip is the last one to perform his choice, but first we get to see his awesome visit home to Leesburg, Georgia and when the plane lands the fans are all at the airport by the thousands to see him. The next day, Phillip, with security guards, makes his way to the pawn shop to see his dad who is overwhelmed with being proud of Phillip, meanwhile, the crowd is going crazy outside. Phillip and his dad are on their way home for him to see his mom and his sisters, words can’t explain how loving his family is. Phillip is now at the parade and the fans are going crazy, Phillip is so humble and clearly overwhelmed by all the attention. Time for Phillip to sing for his fans, he tries to tell them how he feels and Phillip says it best, “words can’t describe how I feel right now”.

Phillip Phillips performs his choice Disease by Matchbox 20

Judges Comments: Randy said, “You guys didn’t love that? Wow, this is weird, people say we always agree and here we go again. It was such a subdued moment, you can do that in your sleep, it was just ok.” Jennifer said, “That was an easy performance for you, but I didn’t feel like it was the wow performance that we are needing right now.” Steven said, “I feel the same way, it wasn’t over the top.”

ROUND 3 – Jimmy Lovine’s Choice

Joshua Ledet is singing No More Drama by Mary J. Blige

Jimmy thinks that Joshua is going to have another moment with this song like he had with “It’s A Mans Mans Mans World”.

Judges Comments: Randy said, “At this point it doesn’t matter what you do or what you sing, people should just vote for you. The natural performer that you are, I don’t care, that is what being an artist is all about.” Jennifer said, “You have this perfect marriage of knowing what you are doing and knowing when to do it, the thing that is exciting about you is the spontaneity.” Steven said, “That was beautiful, it was over the top.”

Jessica Sanchez is singing I’ll Be There by The Jackson Five

Jimmy wanted to show how young Jessica is with this song, to keep her youth.

Judges Comments: Randy said, “I liked it ok, I didn’t love it, once again we are at the end here, there was never a moment moment, it was ok but it wasn’t like oh my God.” Jennifer said, “A good choice from Jimmy, you had perfect tone in your voice, you killed it at the end, good job baby.” Steven said, “That song was perfect, perfect voice, over the top.”

Phillip Phillps is singing We’ve Got Tonight by Bob Seger

Jimmy says he picked this song because he wanted to find a song that addressed both Phillips male and female fans.

Judges Comments: Randy said, “Jimmy Lovine, the perfect song at the perfect time, your best ever. Finally when you need a moment, you had a giant moment. We wanted you to sing a melody, you got it dude, you got it, you are in it to win it, he is ready.” Jennifer said, “There are about a million girls out there that wish you were singing it to them, it was like a lullaby, perfect.” Steven said, “You sang like you didn’t care, you have all that passion wrapped up in you.”

Wow, what did you think about tonight’s performances? I think the guys stole the show, hands down! Sound off your comments below and tell us who you think should be in the final and don’t forget to come back tomorrow night when Adam Lambert performs.

Robyn Good:
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