America’s Got Talent 2012 Preview & SPOILER (Video)

America’s Got Talent 2012 Preview & SPOILERAmerica’s Got Talent 2012 Preview & SPOILER

America’s Got Talent is back tonight with a whole new season and this one will be like no other when controversial and the man who America loves to hate, Howard Stern joins the judging panel.

Passion and unpredictability are words that can certainly describe Stern and there is no doubt in my mind that he will be livening up the show as he has promised that he is holding nothing back!

What will be most interesting is how the shows’ “family friendly” reputation will be kept in tact with the “King of Media” on board.

According to, there has already been some angry parents from the Parents Television Council wanting advertisers like Pizza Hut to pull the plug. Although, they had no luck with their plea so we’ll be getting tons or pepperoni and cheese throughout the season!

Rumour has it that in auditions, Stern has already reduced a second-grader to tears, here’s what Stern said, “It is difficult to look into the eyes of a kid and say, ‘I am going to give you the X, but I am not going to sit there and suck up to a 7-year-old either.” Stern also said in an interview, that he was going to be Piers Morgan on steroids. I for one can’t wait!

This season, creator Simon Cowell will continue with tradition and start with the judges auditions, then Vegas Week which will lead us to the top 20 and the live show. Cowell also promises new graphics, lighting, theme music, show intro, logo, and a larger live audience

The new season starts tonight, with judges Howard Stern, Sharon Osbourne, Howie Mandel and my favourite host, Nick Cannon.

Tonight’s show will feature a breathtaking goth opera singer, an all male tap dance team and a stunt man that shoots himself out of a cannon.

Are you looking forward to all of Cowell’s changes and to see what Stern brings to the show? Don’t forget to come right back here for all the details as we will be live blogging the show!

America’s Got Talent 2012 Preview & SPOILER

Robyn Good:
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