America’s Got Talent 2012 Season 7 Week 10 ‘Night 1’ Recap 7/17/12

Tonight on NBC is an all new episode of America’s Got Talent. On this week’s show it is the third week of live performances. Judges Howard Stern, Howie Mandel, Sharon Osbourne and Nick Cannon will continued their search for the million-dollar act. Twelve more acts will perform tonight for America, but only four will moving on to the next round. Judging has turned over to the American viewing audience as twelve of the top 48 acts perform live at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center for the chance to win the $1 million prize and be named the most talented act in America

On last week’s show the votes were counted and we learned which performers were moving on! The four acts moving forward were: Tim Hockenberry, TURF, Donovan & Rebecca and TomCotter. Did you watch last week’s episode? We did and we recapped it here for you!

Fan favorite Big Barry was sent home last week, making Howard Stern happy.   He was very verbal last week about how Big Barry should not be in the quarterfinals and felt he was taken a place from someone who actually had talent.  It cause a lot of bickering between the two on last week’s show.  What did you think of Big Barry, should he have made it as far as he did?

Performing tonight are: All Beef Patty, All Wheel Sports, Cristin Sandu, Elusive, Inspire The Fire, Jacob Williams, Jake Wesley Rogers, Light Wire Theater, Rock Star Juggler Mike Price, Spencer Horsman, The Untouchables and Wordspit and the Illest.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be exciting and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of NBC’s America’s Got Talent at 9:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know what you thing of season 7 of AGT so far!

Tonight’s recap:

Tonight’s show opens up with The Untouchables.   They are excited to be back tonight.

Judges comments: Howard: America has just learned why they put them through.  Watching these young people – the level that they are dancing act is absolutely inspiring.  Great job!  Howie: Generally when I see a large group of young dancers I think it looks like a recital.  Tonight I did not feel that way – it does not seem real, it is amazing.  Sharon:  You know that I adore you because your youth, your enthusiasm, your presentation.  I absolutely adore you and you make me feel good when I see you.  Vote for them at – 1-866-602-4801

Mike Price – a Juggler who is juggling with fire to some rock song.  Mike felt the pressure got to him and it was not his time tonight

Judges commentsSharon:  I don’t know what I thought about that – when you came out with the knives it was good but on the bike I am not sure that was great.  So then after that it just did not work for me.  Howard:  I love what you do, I don’t know anyone who does that anymore.  You dropped a pin, ya – but the rest of it fell short.  I think America won’t put you through.  Howie: I agree it did not work for you tonight – the pressure got to you.  Vote for Mike at 1-866-602-4802

Inspire the Fire – a dance and singing group.  They say this has been a dream come true and the fire will never die.

Judges comments: Howie: I was not inspired.  Tonight it was like a cheesy high school musical.  The last group outdanced you.  This was not a million dollar act.  Sharon:  I have to agree with Howie, when we first saw you – you had a great innocence about you.  Tonight the dance choice, music choice and comments were wrong.  HowardI don’t want to pile on but I agree.  Tonight if felt like rehearsal.  I am sorry to see it you are talented but it did not work out! Vote for Inspire the Fire  at 1-866-602-4803

Cristin Sandu – his family comes from a long line of circus actors.  He is also studying to be a doctor.  Howard finds it amazing that someone 18 years of age has perfected his act so much.  He is trying something very dangerous tonight.

Judges comments: Howard:  I was glad to see you were studying medicine.  The reason you made it so far is that your athleticism is off the hook.  You bombed tonight, but you wowed the crowd.  SharonI can only imagine how you feel tonight.  But don’t be hard on yourself, you should be proud that you have come this far.  Howie:  There is nothing anyone can say you are your own critic.  You showed up, you tried it and you deserve a big hand.  Vote for Cristin Sandu  at 1-866-602-4804

Elusive – he has a problem hearing and has many operations.  Without dance he would be totally different.  Sharon thinks he is a great dancer and thinks it is incredible to got where he has gotten.  Tonight he wants to show everyone who he really is.

Judges comments: Howie:  I have to say usually I don’t like the story combined with what you are doing.  But you are so inspirational, your dancing dazzles me.  I think you are going to do very well.  I think your competition is TURF.  I hope America puts you through so we can see a dance off between you and TURF.  Sharon:  You are inspirational and you are great.  But I have seen those moves before.  I am not sure you are worth 1 million dollars.  Howard:  Tonight you were not better than TURF.  If you go through you have to go faster and find more new moves.  You need more.  Vote for Elusive  at 1-866-602-4805

Jake Wesley Rogers – he is 15-years-old and he is from Ozark Missouri and he is a softmore in high school.  He sings in a coffee shop.  He is going to show us tonight just what he can do.

Judges comments: HowardThe most important thing is to have wonderful hair.  I think the song you song was vapid and I don’t think you were attached to the song.  Howie:  I think you are a midwest Holly D.  I think you are talented and a good singer but I did not like the arrangement of that song.  I think this year you are going to have to do more as a singer.  I think this year it is not going to be a singer that will win.  You will not go ahead based on this performance.  Sharon:  I have to agree with Howie and Howard I did not like the song.  But, you are talented and I loved the way you worked the stage and off all the acts I saw tonight I would put my money on you.  Vote for Jake Wesley Rogers at 1-866-602-4806.

All Wheel Sports – they all met about 6 years ago and they want to give up their day job and do this.  Howie says their downfall is they do everything and they do everything at the same time.

Judges comments: Sharon: My goodness, me what can I say.  I have to tell you we have a lot of extreme sports on the show, but we have never had an act like this before.  You guys are the first group to combine it perfectly.  Howard:  I think you did a great job, you are great athletes.  You did a good job because it is a small theatre.  Will you go ahead, I am not sure, I am not sure America will appreciate you.  HowieI agree with Howie and Howard.  I just saw a headlining show in Las Vegas.  I want people at home to take our word this was a fabulous spectacle.  Fantastic, you are worthy of the vote and I hope they vote!  Vote for All Wheel Sports at 1-866-602-4807.

Wordspit and the Illest – a singing group who Sharon thinks has a lot of talent.  They are singing an original song called Lights, Camera, Action.

Judges comments: Howie: I have to say I was so excited the first time I saw you.  By far you were and are my favorite group and I had high hopes.  But I am angry, I think you made the disasterous choice you could have made, singing an original song.   If they like the song you get more votes.  If they don’t like the song you get less votes. Sharon:  You’re energy is fantastic – you are the first group who got the crowd on their feet.  I hope it translates at home, but I agree, I think you made a mistake with an original song.  Howard:  You know I guess I am living on another planet, I loved it.  I tune into a lot of these shows and see the same music.  You guys are tight.  This is a very very accomplished band.  Thank God for originality.  Vote for All Wheel Sports at 1-866-602-4808.

Jacob Williams – a standup comedian. [oops missed the rest – news cut in with storm update in the area]

Judges comments: Sharon: you are a bit of an oddball, I do like you.  I think your material was a bit week, but I do like you.  Howard:  Your likeability is off the charts.  Your persona is fun and engaging.  I think you are fantastic.  Howie:  You are the best act of the night.  You have great material, people are going to remember you.  I think we are going to see you again!  Vote for Jacob Williams at 1-866-602-4809.

All Beef Patty – it is a man dressed in drag and he is a singer and he wants people to understand he is not just a drag queen.  Howard says he is a cabaret singer and he needs to step out of the cabaret.

Judges comments: Howard:  Ya, she is all beef and pattie.  The question for me is whether All Beef can go beyond a cabaret act.  But tonight you proved you cannot go to Las Vegas.  I enjoyed you, but I don’t think you will get one of the four spots.  Howie:  You look like Nicki Minaj if she eat big berry.  You came off cabaret and not like Las Vegas.  Sharon: You look like Cher, you should have used the stage.  You should have gone for it.  I hope you come back.  Vote for All Beef Pattie at 1-866-602-4810.

Spencer Horsman – he is from Baltimore, MD and he started learning magic at 4-years-old.  His inspiration is Houdini.    He is locked in a steal armor and then locked in a mail bag over spikes.  If he does not get out of the bag in 45 seconds he will be impaled by spikes.

Judges commentsSharon:   Firstly, I applaud you because you are so long and there are not many people that age keeping the escape up.  But I think for people at home it was very boring.  But well done, because you escaped.  HowardSo are so great because usually we can see you escaping and tonight we could not, so it failed.  Howie:  It was disappointing, it was confusing.  I did not get what you were doing.  Vote for Spencer Horsman at 1-866-602-4811.

Light Wire Theatre – they say they put their entire soul into their act.  The believe what they do and they are proud of what they do.  They want to have a full length show in Las Vegas.  The are basically a lighted puppet show.

Judges commentsHowieWhat a way to end the show.  I have been looking at my twitter WOW, everyone loved it.  You are going to the final.  Sharon That was spectacular, in every sense of the word, I love the story, the new characters.  I will see you in the finals.  Howard:  Now we are talking, now we are going somewhere.  You said you were going to leave it all out there on the stage and you did.  That s a million dollar act.  Congratulations!  Vote for Light Wire Theatre at 1-866-602-4812.

So that is it for tonight, you have seen all the acts, only four can make it through to the finals.  Tomorrow we will reveal the four acts that you choose!  Don’t forget to come back and join us for the evening!

Annemarie LeBlanc:
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