Angelina Jolie Invites Exes To Brad Pitt Wedding, Bad Omen For Brad?

Angelina Jolie Invites Exes To Brad Pitt Wedding, Bad Omen For Brad? 0822Angelina Jolie Invites Exes To Brad Pitt Wedding, Bad Omen For Brad? 0822

The past isn’t something to leave behind if you’re Angelina Jolie. Ex-husbands should be worn like a badge of honor and stick around for all the fun which is why she’s inviting her two to her upcoming wedding to Brad PittJonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton are reported to be on the guest list for the wedding of the century which should take place some time this summer (although who the hell knows for sure anymore).

Now this news is coming from Grazia magazine (via Digital Spy) and I’m not sure if it’s ever gotten a story right but this is just way too much fun to pass up. A source told the mag, “Angelina has remained close to both Jonny and Billy so they’d certainly be invited. Brad has been doing most of the wedding planning and has been having a nightmare with refurbishments at the chateau. Angelina has left it pretty much up to him and the kids, who are really excited.”

OK, so I’ve no doubt Angie has stayed close to her exes. She just recently wrote a glowing forward to Billy Bob’s autobiography and she and Jonny are always on hand to support each other’s career. But I love the fact that the source pretty much says she’s too busy to care about the wedding and is leaving it all up to Brad. How would you feel if your soon-to-be wife left all the details up to you but was like, “For the last time Brad, I don’t give a sh-t about the colors! Oh, right, before I forget, don’t forget to send Billy and Jonny an invitation. I’ll just DIE if they’re not there”?

Awkward much? Maybe not? Brad doesn’t seem like he’s hurting for ego. Besides, he’s been Mr. Jolie a lot longer than the others but still, it’s a little weird. I just picture Jonny and Billy sitting together in the front row. How could Brad not glance their way and be a little worried? It’s like the ghosts of Christmas future!

Again, it’s Grazia, so no ones knows for sure if this is remotely true. I’d think Angelina would keep Billy Bob away for Maddox’s sake. He was that kid’s legal father for a hot minute before Angelina divorced him and Brad took over the parenting rights. That’s got to be odd as all hell when they get together. How do you even act in that situation if you’re Billy Bob? Does he just ignore the kid and hang out at bar telling anyone who’ll listen he bagged Angelina first? Because he’s the one I’d be most worried about. Jonny’s moved on with a wife and family. Billy Bob’s got demons and one hell of a plastic surgery mess going on. If Brad’s smart he let Angelina get her way with one condition. Billy Bob can come but he absolutely CANNOT give any toasts!

Do you think Angelina’s kooky enough to invite her exes to her wedding? Is that rude to Brad or has he just come to expect this from her?

Photo Credit: Famepictures, Inc.

Jeanne Adams:
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