Angelina Jolie Jealous of Jennifer Lawrence and Says Some Nasty Words

Angelina Jolie Jealous of Jennifer Lawrence and Says Some Nasty WordsAngelina Jolie Jealous of Jennifer Lawrence and Says Some Nasty Words

Angelina Jolie is planning to play her own version of The Hunger Games with new star Jennifer Lawrence as her prey. According to the National Enquirer, Jolie alleges that Lawrence stole the lead role in Silver Linings Playbook from her during casting – and she’s pissed! A source revealed, “Angelina desperately wanted the female lead in the movie ‘Silver Linings Playbook.’ It was a prime role with great dialogue, and Angelina campaigned hard for it. But once the director saw Jennifer’s audition, it was no contest. Jennifer blew her out of the water.

The film, being touted by critics as a must-watch, tells the story of a man with bipolar mood disorder (Bradley Cooper) who meets “an emotionally unstable young widow named Tiffany.Director David O. Russell initially wanted to cast Jolie in the role of Tiffany, as he believed Lawrence was not mature enough to play the role. He recently said, “We had a lot of major actresses in town interested in the role, from Angelina Jolie to some other big stars. Jennifer, we frankly thought, was too young.” However, Lawrence auditioned for the film over Skype and a little while later she was informed that she was cast in the role of Tiffany. This sent Jolie into a raging bitch-fest of epic proportions. A source reveals, “Angie was beside herself. She screeched, ‘What’s she got that I don’t have.’ The simple answer is youth. Angie’s getting older and the big parts are going to rising young stars like Jennifer.

The film has piled on the awards and nominations. Lawrence was recently nominated for a Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild award for Best Actress, as well as being nominated by several other high-profile awards shows for her performance in the film. This drove a knife into Jolie’s heart. “Angie’s seething. It’s a juicy, award-winning part, and she thinks it should have been hers,” a source revealed.

Step down Jolie and allow someone else a moment in the spotlight, will you? What Angie wants, Angie doesn’t always deserve to have.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Renier Palland:
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