Ashton Kutcher Shamed Into Returning To LA – He Doesn’t Care About Demi Moore

Ashton Kutcher is a man who acts first and thinks later. Once more the ‘Two and a Half Men’ star has come into a storm of bad publicity – this time for taking his merry old time to return to Los Angeles after his estranged wife, Demi Moore, overdosed on drugs and had to be rushed to hospital on Monday. Ashton decided to finally show up in Los Angeles Thursday night – only due to the prompting of his management team we believe. Left to his own devices Ashton simply continued partying and squiring a mystery woman around Sao Paulo after he learned that Demi was in desperate shape. At least the bum could have had the decency to show some restraint, and maybe some remorse, after his wife of 6 six years went down hard.

After all, Demi’s demise appears to be directly related to Ashton’s sexcapades with Sara Leal – and these being exposed publicly. When Sara went public about her hot-tub sex with Ashton, Demi freaked out and began starving herself. She is now receiving treatment for life-threatening anorexia according to the Sun.

Whatever problems Demi had before the news went public – and they were obviously many in light of the recent news about her long-term drug abuse and anorexia – the embarrassment and rejection she suffered because of Ashton’s behaviour pushed her already unstable mind over the edge.

So when we read in People that Ashton is said to have been increasingly worried about the state of Demi’s health we don’t believe it- and when they quote a pal of his saying:

“Ashton is deeply concerned for Demi. He still cares about her and wants the best for her,” we say BULL SHIT!

Ashton is back in Los Angeles pretending to care about Demi only to protect his reputation. Too late jerk.

Dr. Jody Overland:
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