Big Brother 14 Week 8 Episode 24 ‘Veto Competition’ Recap 9/5/12

Big Brother 14 Week 8 Episode 24 'Veto Competition' Recap 9/5/12Big Brother 14 Week 8 Episode 24 'Veto Competition' Recap 9/5/12

Tonight is another new episode of Big Brother 14 on CBS. Tonight we will get to see the Veto competition and find out if Frank and Jenn have the chance to get off the block.   Frank has been up for elimination so many times he has to be use to it, but can he save himself?  If you missed the last episode (HoH completion), you can read our full and detailed recap here.

On last week’s show we saw Ian win HoH after he made a deal with Shane not to put Shane up or Danielle for eviction.  Although Dan made an alliance with Frank last week that does not mean anything in the Big Brother house.  Dan convinced Ian to get rid of Frank this week.  Ian though Frank was good to have around because he makes people mad; Ian was leaning towards Jen and Joe but that’s not the move that Dan wanted him to make.  In the end Ian followed Dan’s advice.

On tonight’s show we will see the PoV competition.  WARNING: Spoiler Alert, if you are one of those people who does not like spoilers don’t read ahead!    Dan wins PoV and he uses it to save Jenn and take her off the block.  Ian names his replacement nominee which is Joe.  So now we have Frank and Joe up on the blog for eviction and one will go at the live evictions Thursday.

Tonight’s episode is the lead in for Thursday’s live eviction and double elimination.  So can Frank save himself?  At this point it looks like the houseguests are leaning towards getting rid of him.  What do you think has Frank’s time run out?

Big Brother airs tonight at 8:00pm with the PoV competition, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see if there will be any more drama in the house, how about you?

Tonight’s episode: In the last episode, Dan put the knife in Frank’s back and Ian did the dirty work. Can Frank win the POV for the fourth time this season? We will find out tonight.

Just because nominations don’t find Joe on the block, he knows that it is imperative that he go speak to Ian to secure his place in the house.

Frank thinks that Dan is on his side and will uphold his alliance with him, but little does he know that the biggest rat in Big Brother’s history, plans on stabbing him in the back.

Dan shares with Ian that his brother-in-law had OCD  and asks him if he suffers from the same thing, Ian admits that he is OCD and ADD. Ian is touched that Dan cares about him. What a suck up Dan is, he knows how to play this game.

Time to pick players for the Veto competition, only six players will play. As HOH, Ian picks first, he gts Dan. Frank is next, he gets Danielle. Jenn is last, she gets Joe. Jenn is feeling really low energy and doesn’t know how much she can contribute but Frank assures her that they will win and back door Joe, it’s the only solution.

Dan is still talking game play with Frank who devises a plan to throw the competition so Dan can win, then he can take Jenn off the block.

Time for the Veto competition and an alien has landed in the back yard, he is the absent minded alien. In each round the alien will give the players a riddle, then they have to find the corn on the cob with the right answer and bring it to the alien. Ian doesn’t need to win this Veto, he is just making sure that the two nominees don’t win it.  Danielle is the first one to be eliminated, she didn’t know that Janelle was voluptuous. Ian is the next one to be eliminated, he didn’t know that Will was evicted from the house just when baby Zingbot made an appearance. Joe is eliminated, he couldn’t eve find the piece of corn. Jenn didn’t have time to find the corn, it is now up to Frank and Dan, one of them will win the POV. It’s not time for the final riddle, both Dan and Frank are scrambling to find the corn, they both know the answer. Frank has second thoughts, he is not going to through the Veto because he doesn’t completely trust Dan.

Dan wins the POV, Frank is eliminated from the POV competition. Jenn is hoping and praying that Dan used the POV on her because she used hers last week to save him.

Ian and Dan in private, clad only in their underwear, make an alliance for the final two. Dan can’t use the POV on Frank because that would expose his alliance with Frank, therefore, Frank tells him to use it on Jenn so that they can backdoor Joe. Dan approaches Jenn and tells he knows that it is hard to trust someone like him but he hopes she does. Dan’s plan is to save Jenn, get her trust and stab Frank in the back.

Time for the POV meeting, Dan is true to his promise to Jenn, he takes her off the block. Ian now has to name a replacement nominee, for lack of no other option, Ian nominates Joe.

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house, Joe or Frank? It’s a double eviction night this Thursday that you won’t want to miss.

Dorothy Gale:
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