Big Brother is Back – Welcome to Season 14!

Big Brother is Back - Welcome to Season 14!

Are you ready for another summer of backstabbing, lying and everything else that makes us crave Big Brother? Yeah, me too! CBS has finally given an official air date, inaugural night is July 12th, that’s 78 days away – yeah, I’m counting!

Like previous seasons, the show will air three times a week on Wednesdays and Sundays, with a live eviction show on Thursdays.

Big Brother casting started some time ago and if you are super attractive with chiseled features – then you just need to flash your dimples to get in, no need to have an award winning personality, people will love you anyway because you are so attractive, after all, this is Big Brother!

No word yet on what the theme will be in season 14 but that doesn’t worry me as much as the cast, I really hope they get some Evil Dick, Dr. Will, Rachel or Jessie types, I always love these types because they stir the pot.

In other Big Brother news, Brendon and Rachel are still surprisingly in the running on Amazing Race. In the last episode they finished second and Rachel did her best Bollywood dance, if you missed the episode you can read the full recap HERE.

Now CBS is keeping quiet about twists and clues about the new season, but you know they are going to leak, it’s only a matter of time.

78 more days, tick tock, can’t wait!