CDL Exclusive: Interview With ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ Contestant Alexa Anderson

Alexa Anderson was born in Little Falls, NJ, but grew up in Chandler, AZ where she started dancing at the age of 11. Alexa trained in many different styles but found Contemporary to be her specialty.  At the age of 18, Alexa moved to Los Angeles to pursue her dream of becoming a professional dancer and has been dancing and teaching in Los Angeles for the past year.  She made it into the Top 20 of season 9 on SYTYCD and partnered with Daniel Baker before being sent home.  Celeb Dirty Laundry had a chance to catch up with Alexa and here’s what she had to say!

CDL: How did you get started in dance?

Alexa AndersonMy mom went into labor very prematurely, (at 18 weeks) and was kept in the hospital for 16 weeks on drugs designed to delay my birth. When I was born the doctors discovered that I had suffered a brain hemorrhage, (on the left side of my brain) and as a result I had right sided weakness and learning disabilities. When I was young, the right sided weakness was more evident and my mom got the idea of enrolling me in dance to help exercise my body and brain. It was really difficult at first and I was pretty awful but I worked really hard and eventually fell in love with it.

CDL:  How often do you take class now?

Alexa AndersonI take classes and train almost everyday. There are a lot of really great dance studios in Los Angeles that I go to for everything from Hip- hop to contemporary, and I like to compliment my dance training with yoga classes (which I take pretty religiously) .

CDL:  Who are some of the dance greats that have influenced you?

Alexa Anderson:   I grew up as a dance convention kid, so I was really influenced by the teachers I got to take classes from when I would go. I was really inspired by Travis Wall, Teddy Forance, Misha Gabriel, Mandy Moore and Nick Lazzarini. They were everything to me growing up, and they’ve had a huge role in molding me as a dancer. To this day, I still draw inspiration from them.

CDL:  What did you enjoy most about being on So You Think You Can Dance?

Alexa Anderson:   I loved the cast! Every single one of us got along and supported each other. We had a really great time! Whether we were in the van on the way home after a long day or getting lunch, we were always really happy to be together. I left feeling like I had made some life long friends.

CDL:  Has the show begun to open some doors for you yet?

Alexa Anderson:   It’s hard to tell whether the show has opened doors for me yet. If not, then the experience alone has made me a much stronger and more fearless dancer and person. I think that could open doors for me.

CDL:  If you could work with anyone in the industry, who would it be?

Alexa Anderson  I’ve already had the honor or working with Travis Wall, Teddy Forance, and Nick Lazzarini in their new company Shaping Sound and I had the time of my life, so continuing to work with them would be a dream. Other than that, I would love to work for Stacy Tookey because I think she’s brilliant. Also, Wade Robson is one of my all time favorites.

CDL:  What are some of your hobbies outside of dancing?

Alexa Anderson:  Outside of dancing, I really love reading, hiking and yoga. I feel like dance takes up such a huge part of my day that when I’m taking a break from it I’m usually just trying to spend time with the people I love, so I can’t really say that I have any giant hobbies.

CDL:  How about your future goals?

Alexa Anderson I love choreographing. I’ve been at it since I was young and it brings me so much joy, so I’d love to become a choreographer eventually.

CDL:  You’re so young, where do you see yourself five years from now?

Alexa Anderson:  Five years from now I’ll be 24, so I see myself continuing to dance in LA, teaching, maybe even choreographing (if I’m dreaming big). I love what I do, so if in five years from now, if I’m still out here and continuing to grow and learn and dance then I’ll be really happy!

CDL:  Is there anything that you’d like to tell your new fans?

Alexa Anderson:  I am so grateful! I’ve been working hard at this for a long time and the fact that you saw something in me, and picked up the phone to support me means the world! There are a lot of ups and downs in every dancer’s life, but just knowing that there are people out there that I can reach makes my heart so happy!

Cate Meighan:
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