Dancing With The Stars All Stars Bristol Palin Walks Out On Mark Ballas!

This All Star Dancing With The Stars season has been quite a change for teen mom Bristol Palin, she lost a lot of weight, bought a new face through tons of plastic surgery, and has a new found confidence.  But she doesn’t feel so secure with her dancing pro partner Mark Ballas.

During a recent rehearsal, People reports that the 21-year-old Palin breaks down and cries to Ballas.  She confesses that she knows he feels bad that he is not paired on the All Star Edition with former partners Sabrina Bryan or Shawn Johnson.  She continues to say “I feel like you’re just bummed that you have me as a partner.” Ballas then asks her, “What have I done to make you feel that way?” Palin says, “Just in general. Like, oh, dang, you got paired with Bristol.”

She goes on to point out that Ballas hasn’t been committed and missed a rehearsal.  On the defense the 26-year-old Ballas responds by saying “I’m not dancing around without committing myself. … I can sit here and train you all day. I can give you these choreography steps, but if you don’t apply yourself on the floor and give me that personality that I know you can, then I can’t force it out of you. I stick up for you through thick and thin – always.”

Palin takes a final swipe at Ballas telling him  “You, like, play this victim role. I know that I’m here, I’m on time, I’m ready to go. I wouldn’t be on the show if I wasn’t going to take it seriously.”

The fight doesn’t end well with Palin leaving the dance studio and telling her partner, “I’m just not doing this anymore.”

Can the two bury the hatchet and put on the chemistry in front of the judges?  You can see for yourself tonight when Dancing With the Stars: All Stars airs on ABC at 8 P.M. EST – don’t forget to catch our AMAZING live recap right here on Celeb Dirty Laundry.

Photo Credit: Premiere/FAMEFLYNET

Jaclyn Reid:
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