Demi Moore Drunk And Acting Immature, Is New Boy Toy To Blame?

We’re on day three of drunk Demi Moore sightings and she just refuses to get rid of those damned hipster glasses or disappoint with her new, more freeing behavior. I’ve already reported on her crazy couch dancing and kitty loving antics at the Chanel party and now there are new pics out of Demi acting up on a red carpet in front of drama-loving camera crews.

She certainly likes this new attention, right?

Last night the rehabbed actress showed up at the Terrywood Celebration at The Standard Hotel & Spa for a party for fashion photographer Terry Richardson. Demi Moore hammed it up for the cameras and started acting goofy with Terry who pretended to be a paparazzo and take pics of her with his phone. At one point she hopped into the grass and held her finger to her lips in a “shush” pose. True, this isn’t as bad as rescuing a kitten and petting it all through dinner but it’s still odd and unnecessary.

Relax! You tell me. She’s just enjoying herself! You tell me. She’s in love! You tell me. Well… there may be some sad truth to that. Heat magazine reports that dating 26-year-old Vito Schnabel has given Demi the happiness and confidence she’s been missing ever since Ashton Kutcher cheated on her.

“Demi loves younger men for two reasons – the ego boost she gets from knowing that a hot guy fancies her, but also because it makes her feel youthful. She looks amazing, and if these young guys are attracted to her – and she to them – then her view is, ‘Why the hell not?'” an insider told the magazine.

Sure. Why the hell not? Only Demi’s been in love before and she hasn’t acted this goofy. Maybe this is the real Demi. Maybe she’s ready to let loose and be herself now that she’s hit 50. But this doesn’t feel authentic to me. How about you? Is a drunk Demi Moore a happy and confident Demi Moore?

Photo Credit: Diane Cohen/Fame Pictures

Jeanne Adams:
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