Sharon Stone Looks Lovely in Black Sweater!

Oh dear! In all that is holy, why did Sharon Stone decide to show us her nip-nips? The Basic Instinct actress seems to be struggling with a bit of a washed out career.  Sharon Stone’s black sweater, while just fine, are not going to get her any attention from Hollywood bigwigs – at least not the type of attention that will get her starring roles.

The French aren’t afraid of an exposed breast or anything conservative for that matter. They eat frog legs and flip their noses at any non-French person. Yes, we know we’re creating a walking stereotype and the French are actually very cool people, so it was only fitting that the most sexual woman in the history of cinema was in Paris, France, the city of love.

The star arrived at the amFAR gala in Paris, wearing black pants and a black long sleeve top. The only problem was that the top she was wearing exposed both nipples. Her shoes were hot? The actress took her son Quinn to sight-see in Paris and she was most appropriate with child. Her Argentine lover/male model toyboy Martin Mica didn’t join the trip, so we’re guessing Sharon had to expose some nip-nip in order to get her kicks.

At the fear of sounding too sexual, the actress is actually quite the charitable person and has assisted in many AIDS fund galas over the years. If she would just dress appropriately at these events, we would also be able to take her seriously!

We’re guessing Sharon either had too much Immortal juice to drink or she’s a big fan of Botox, because this woman just doesn’t look old! She’s 54 for heaven’s sake! Yes, a wrinkle here and nip tuck there will make 95 year old corpses look good, but it seems Sharon has been looking well after herself, after all, we haven’t seen her in a film in recent years.

What do you think readers? Did Sharon go too far with her outfit? Let us know in the comments below.

Renier Palland:
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