Fashion Star Recap: Season 1 Episode 6 ‘Out Of The Box’ 4/17/12

The fashions continue to sell out on Fashion Star.  Tonight is an all new episode of Fashion Star called ‘Out of The Box.’  Stand by as we live blog tonight’s episode with all the up-to-the-minute details.

On last weeks show the bottom three designers were called to the stage, Orly, Barbara and Edmond. The buyers have a chance to save one designer, they chose Barbara.  When it was time for the buyers to choose who they wanted to keep and who they wanted to save, the chose Orly.  Edmond was eliminated.  If you missed the show you can read our full and detailed recap here.

On tonight’s show – no more comfort zones! The buyers push the designers beyond their boundaries and the designers are forced to step put of their boxes – and the clothes are presented anonymously.

How are you enjoying the show so far?  The show should get more interesting with the designers having to step our of the box and reinvent their styles.  I cannot wait to see what they come up with!  Don’t miss the episode!

Fashion Star premiere tonight on at 10 PM on NBC and we will be live blogging it with all the up-to-the-minute drama and elimination. So make sure to come back to this spot and spend the evening with us!  Refresh often to get the most current details!  If you want to see a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

Tonight’s Recap:  Tonight the designers are asked to come out of their comfort zone and diversify by doing do something they have never done before.

Ross Bennett is with Nicole and she thinks he has to completely step outside of his box and not be conservative – the judges love what he brings to the stage. Luciana Scarabello steps up as well and the judges are all in favour giving her some serious feedback.

Sarah Parrot steps outside of the box by designing a bikini, she has no clue about them but wants to prove she can do it.

Nzimiro Oputa decides to do a dress, the last one he ever did was a nightmare, but this time he has Nicole giving him pointers.

Ronnie Escalante is doing a zippered bathing suit and Jessica is worried that the zipper might not be able to hold up the boobs.

Barbara Bates is doing a Bohemian dress and Nicole thinks she should tone it down a bit, Barbara disagrees and wants to make a bold statement.

Nikki Poulos is doing men’s wear, she is using woven fabrics and has never done men’s wear before.

Orly Shani is looking to do a super tailored jacket, Jessica thinks this is not stepping outside the box.

Kara Laricks is going sexy this week with sort and pretty.


Ross Bennet – Vintage Inspired Lingerie – H&M $50,000

Luciana Scarabello – Cropped Jacket – Macy’s and Saks both offer $50,000, both up the offer to $60,000, Saks then up to $70,000 and Macy’s $80,000 – it’s not over yet, Saks ups it to $80,000, wait there’s more, Macy’s ups it to $100,000.

Sarah Parrot – Bikini – NO OFFER

Nzimiro Oputa – Layered Wrap Dress – H&M $50,000

Ronnie Escalante – Swimsuit with Mesh Detail – Macy’s $50,000

Barbara Bates – Boho Dress – NO OFFER

Nikki Poulos – Retro Pants & Shorts – NO OFFER

Orly Shani – Confederate Jacket – NO OFFER

Kara Laricks – Layered Dress – Saks $100,000

The “No Offers” are Sarah, Barbara, Nikki and Orly, all four designers are called to the stage. Mentors get to save the designer they believe deserves to have a chance to be the first “Fashion Star”, Nicole announces that they are saving Nikki.

Barbara, Orly and Sarah are facing the buyers one last time and they decide that Barbara is going home, maybe they didn’t like her “I’m a breast cancer survivor and I was born with club feet” joke.

ELIMINATED: Barbara Bates

Rosie Leblanc:
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