Former Plus-Sized Model Crystal Renn Poses For Sports Illustrated (Photo)

Beautiful model Crystal Renn has it all – a flawless beauty, an amazing career, and a figure that represents what real women look like – as opposed to the always shocking double zero frames we see on some models today.  Quite frankly, it’s desperately unrealistic and beyond normal.

Crystal can certainly attest to that.  Once a double zero herself, she is fully aware of how hard the modeling industry can be to maintain the ‘perfect’ size.  But what exactly is perfect?  Perfect to you might be completely perfect to someone else.

During the time of Crystal’s career when she was so thin, she finally got the courage and admitted she was suffering from anorexia nervosa, and later went on to have a highly successful career as a plus-sized model.  While her biggest – and still equally gorgeous – size was a 16, now Crystal is a comfortable size 6 or 8.  And what better way to embrace her figure – especially with all the hype over Kate Upton’s cover (granted, she’s got curves herself so I’m liking the direction in which the swimsuit mag is going), then to pose for a spread in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.

Sometimes she fits a designer size 10, but Renn no longer feels the pressure to change.

“There’s a woman at SI who’s made it a point to make sure that the models are healthy. They’re not interested in who’s the thinnest model of them all; they’re about the girl. We all have different bodies. There’s not one type that’s idealized.”

Posing for the magazine definitely proves this, and also exudes her wonderful honesty and confidence.

 “I felt comfortable with my body. I’ve been doing yoga for a while now,” Renn says. “That makes you aware of how your body moves.   I have found a place of stability when it comes to how to view my figure.”

 Well thankfully you are a breath of fresh air and an inspiration to those young girls out there that are desperately trying to conform to an unrealistic – and unhealthy – form of perfection.

Sarah Silverthorne:
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