Harry Styles: Taylor Swift Christmas Gift Was Much Better Than A Ring

Harry Styles: Taylor Swift Christmas Gift Was Much Better Than A Ring 1226Harry Styles: Taylor Swift Christmas Gift Was Much Better Than A Ring 1226

I’ve got to hand it to Harry Styles and Taylor Swift. They managed to stay relevant and in all the headlines this entire Christmas season. They stayed loved up in Utah where they may or may not have given everyone a Christmas miracle and orchestrated another doomed reunion for Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. Then there was all the commotion on whether they’d spend the holiday together and then there was all the noise about how expensive and out of control their Christmas gifts were going to be for each other. Taylor was allegedly set to buy Harry $80K worth of Beatles memorabilia which is actually a pretty cool gift but does seem a little on the pricey side for someone you just started dating. But it’s Taylor! Her love has no bounds!

Well, Christmas is sadly over and I have no idea if Taylor made good on the promise and the young couple spent the holiday thousands of miles away from each other. However, the Sun has a cute story today about how Harry spent his money and I totally approve. The Harry Style Taylor Swift Christmas gift turned out to be nothing more than a singing telegram who sang the One Direction hit, What Makes You Beautiful. Fun, right? Harry got the singer to perform a country version. I can’t help myself. I’m staying true to my belief that this relationship is completely manufactured but there are worse boys to be contractually obligated to date. Harry Styles is adorable. I just hope I don’t start hearing he also bought her a Birkin bag stuffed with diamond bracelets or anything silly like that. I want to like the kid. His present was exactly the kind an 18-year-old little rascal should get his newest lady love. Well played Harry.

Do you approve of Harry Styles’ singing telegram? Is it still just a tad too cute?


Jeanne Adams:
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