‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ Episode 9 ‘Ah-choo!’ Recap 9/19/12

Tonight an all new episode of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo airs on TLC. On tonight’s episode is called “Ah-choo!” June brings the girls to help her in her favorite sport, Bingo, where they try to win the $1000 jackpot. Alana meets with Miss Georgia 2011 to get some pageant tips. If you missed last week’s episode called “Time for Sketti!” we have a full and detailed recap here!

On last week’s show with summer drawing to a close and the girls getting bored, June thought of creative ways to keep them all entertained. Then, to raise money for her pageant, Alana set up a lemonade stand. June also lets us know how she affords to send her four kids to pageants. Her secret is – she budgets and she tries to save money any way she can.

The girls decided to make signs for the lemonade stand and and June’s older daughter Lauryn asked ‘How do you spell lemonade?’   June also revealed her secret recipe for lemonade – one of her ingredients is 5 lbs of sugar. June also mades the family favorite for dinner: sketti and believe me it was gross.

On tonight’s show mom June Shannon takes Honey Boo Boo and other girls to play bingo with the hopes of winning money. However, the Shannons are clearly up to their usual antics during the game. June said that bingo should be considered a sport, as she enjoys playing it despite her vision problems. She claims to have liked the game since she was just 10 years old.   June comments, “Bingo is a sport. It helps me calm down and relax.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be another crazy Thompson family episode and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of TLC’s “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know what you thought of the last episode of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo?

Tonight’s recap:  Ohh boy. June decides on this episode that she wants to learn how to do Alana’s make up so the lady that normally does it suggests that she do one half of her face and then June can try to copy what she has done. Epic fail. As Alana says, it looks like she has marshmallow rubbed all over her face.

June says that couponing is her all-time favorite sport, but bingo comes in a close second. The kids say she plays bingo better than she cooks or cleans- I’ve seen their house, I’d kind of agree! June is praying she wins the big jackpot that’s worth over 3 grand.  But she loses to some chick in the back of the room.

Alana and June head to The Chic Boutique to meet Miss Georgia 2011, Mackayla Lackey. She is supposed to give Alana tips on pageants. First things first, Mackayla needs to ditch the red lipstick and quick. She lectures Alana on using her manners and not farting at the table. You know, the important stuff.

Alana’s birthday is coming and her sisters decide to go shopping on June’s shelves for her. They give her shampoo, toilet paper and other uncool stuff. Meanwhile mama June invests in a pool, slip and slide and sno cone machine for her party. June attempts to make it up the kiddie slide with no luck. “Chubbs” blames it on gravity and is probably right. Tonight’s show (seriously) ends with Alana sneezing into her hand and snot flying everywhere. Tune in next week because the newest Honey Boo Boo hillbilly, baby Kaitlyn, is welcomed into the world!


Robyn Good:
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