Home Improvement’s Taran Noah Smith Busted For Drug Possession

Another young Hollywood celebrity has gotten himself busted for drug possession.  Taran Noah Smith, the youngest son on the 90’s sitcom Home Improvement, was arrested early Wednesday morning for alledged DUI and possession of narcotics.

Taran, 27, was booked in L.A around 1:00 am after cops found illegal substances on him.  Police say he had both hash and marijuana on his person and had been driving while under the influence of these drugs.

After an eight year run on the show, Taran retired from acting and kept a low profile.  Then came the whole suing-his-parents nightmare over the money he earned while working as a minor.

So he’s sued his family, quit acting, and is a pothead.  I wonder what the other two boys from the show are up to…

Sarah Silverthorne:
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