‘Hunger Games’ Star Jennifer Lawrence Helps Sloppy Drunk Woman Beat the Odds — Saves Her Life! (Photos)

Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence apparently plays a badass heroine both on and off the set, as she just recently helped save a sloppy drunk woman’s life! Let’s just say the odds definitely weren’t in that woman’s slurred-and-boozed-up favor . . . until our fave young Hollywood actress swooped in to save the day!

Jennifer Lawrence reportedly saved the woman after she’d collapsed in front of her apartment. Jennifer and a team of her friends (undoubtedly Peeta and, perhaps, Gale) rushed to the girl’s aid and immediately called 911.

The 911 call came in around 6:41 p.m. on Monday evening. Jennifer Lawrence and some other locals helped a juvenile female who appeared to have been drinking and was outside an apartment building,” Sergeant Richard Lewis of the Santa Monica police says.

The woman’s life was not in any immediate danger, but who knows what could have happened to the poor girl if J-Law hadn’t stepped in.

“Miss Lawrence and several others waited beside the female until the police and paramedics arrived,” Sergeant Lewis added. “It was not serious and the female will be okay. Her name is not being released because of her age.”

Click on over to X17 — they have a few pictures of Jennifer standing over the girl in what looks to be one of her signature Hunger Games poses: The I-am-Katniss-Everdeen-the-Girl-On-Fire helping/caring/confident crouch. Okay, now I’ve gotta’ ask you a question: What will Jennifer Lawrence’s superhero name be? We need a good one for her!

Drunk people of the world . . . the Odds will Always be in your Favor when J-Law’s around!

Nicholas Sanford:
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