Ice Loves Coco Recap: Season 2 Episode10 ‘Baby Got Puppies’ 4/29/12

Tonight is the tenth episode and the finale of the second season of Ice Loves Coco and its called ‘Baby Got Puppies.’  Stand by as we live blog the episode with all the up-to-the-minute details.

On the last episode  Ice-T and Coco celebrated their 11th anniversary in Hawaii and Ice relived his former army days with a tour of his old base.  Generally when Coco and Ice travel it is Coco who handles all the details but because it is their anniversary Ice wanted to handle it.  Ice assures Coco he has it all taken care of.  Coco was skeptical.  If you missed the episode you can read our full and detailed recap here!

In this final episode, “Baby Got Puppies,” Ice and Coco nervously prepare for a visit to the doctor that will determine the couple’s future.  She had a problem with her blood pressure and she is going to find out if all the hard work has paid off.  Despite all the stress, they are excited to welcome the newest addition to their family when Spartacus’ puppies are finally born.

We will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details at 10PM EST so make sure to come back to this spot and watch the show with us. Refresh often to get the most up-to-date results!  While you are waiting for the recap check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

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RECAP: Spartacus and Winnie are expecting soon and Coco hopes it is a girl so she can dress her up in pretty outfits.

Ice and Coco are on their way to see their new home, but Winnie’s mom, Patty, could call at any time if she gives birth. They arrive at the new house and both are disappointed that there is not much construction done because they are waiting for permits, which could take another eight weeks.

Coco has her big appointment with her doctor in a few days, a few months ago she was diagnosed with extremely high blood pressure. She is on medication, she upped her exercise and even ate healthier but feels like she is still stressed. Ice thinks Coco should just slow down work, then the stress level would go down.

Coco is showing the condo to Kirsten, the Real Estate agent, in anticipation of someday selling it when they move into the new house.

Coco is having dinner with her friend, Diana, who tells her that she is engaged. Coco shares with her that the doctor doesn’t want her to pregnant right now Spartacus might be the only one having babies.

Ice is playing a video game when Kirsten calls because she has motivated buyers and they are going to come see the house in thirty minutes. Coco is freaking out because the house is not clean and Ice is freaking out because as far as he understood, the house was not on the market. Ice tells Coco that she has to pump her brakes because right now they live there and can’t go anywhere, he tells her to handle it or go make hors d’ oeuvres.

The next day, Coco is talking to her sister, Kristy, over the computer and tells her that she has a doctor’s appointment coming up. Coco is really worried that what she has been doing has not made a difference and Kristy tells her that she is going to have to anything that she has to if she wants to have babies.

Coco is out shopping for fabric with Soulgee for her clothing line when Patty calls, Winnie is in labour. Coco is off at once, she is in a panic but gets there in time for Winnie to deliver five boys and one girl. Coco is not thinking about business, the house or the doctor’s appointment; she is only thinking about Winnie’s delivery.

Back at the condo, Coco tells Ice all about the delivery, she thought it was so beautiful. Ice asks Coco why she put the house on the market before the other one was even ready, she knows she was wrong and tells him so.

At the doctor’s office, Ice tells Coco that he knows she is going to be better. The doctors tells Coco that all her hard work has paid off, her blood pressure is normal. Coco is thrilled, she feels like a heavy weight just lifted off of her, the doctor goes on to say that they have the green light to have a baby.

Move forward two months, it is time for Spartacus’s baby to come home. They go to Patty’s house to visit the puppies and one of them picks Coco and it is a boy and Ice calls him Maximus. Back at the condo, Coco is playing tug-o-war with the puppy and tells Ice that she is really, really happy.

The end!

Rosie Leblanc:
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