Pasta and milk, anyone? Jef Holm of The Bachelorette sent out a tweet making fun of Justin Bieber. The tweet said “I really hope @theamerican doesn’t throw up during this interview…he had milk & spaghetti last night #jus.” Jef’s joke was in reference to Justin running off stage twice because he was sick. Was the joke in poor taste or was it just the food?
Quick recap for those of you who missed the puke heard ‘round the world: On Saturday, September 29, Justin Bieber was performing during the opening concert of his Believe Tour when he turned, hurled, then ran offstage. Embarrassing? Not so much. Justin returned to the stage, asked his fans for forgiveness, and continued with the show like a pro.
He later tweeted that “milk was a bad choice”. This was an apparent reference to Will Ferrell’s character, Ron Burgundy, in Anchorman. Only problem is Justin really did have milk before the concert, with pasta no less. It doesn’t sound very appetizing, but to each his own. Hey, what child doesn’t like to drink milk with his spaghetti and meatballs…besides possibly 80% of children (fyi: that’s a guess). For me, that combo isn’t sitting well and I’m only reading about it.
I’m pretty sure all the die-hard BieberFever fans will be sending Jef death threats for making fun of their beloved Justin, but the guy can’t help it if he has a sense of humor. Remember when Selena Gomez was getting death threats just because the poor girl was dating Justin? Can you imagine the backlash that Jef Holm will be getting when the Bieb’s fans catch wind of this?
Dear Jef Holm,
You can’t crack jokes at the expense of Justin Bieber. His fans will be out for blood. Good luck.
Photo Credit: FAMEFLYNET