Jessica Sanchez American Idol 2012 ‘The Prayer’ Video 5/22/12


ROUND 2 – For the second round which was Jessica’s choice Jessica Sanchez performed “The Prayer” by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli tonight on American Idol.  The Top 2 took the stage and performed for their lives in the finale.  Did you miss tonight’s episode?  If you did we watched it and we recapped it here for you.  On last week’s show Joshia Ledet was sent home.   If you missed the show you can read our full and detailed recap here.  If you missed Joshua’s performances during the season you can see them here.

Tonight, the final 2 will be singing songs from three themes: 1. his or her favorite song from the whole series. 2. One song selected by Idol creator Simon Fuller. 3. his or her individual “new” single.

The contestants fighting tonight for the title of American Idol are: Phillip Phillips and  Jessica Sanchez.  Last week, producer Nigel Lithgoe revealed who was his favorite contestant, “I promised I would reveal my favorite when they were voted off the show so….. it was Joshua. However, I am thrilled for Jessica & Phillip.”

Judges Comments: Steven said, “when it comes to Phillip you always don’t have to be a good egg, but Jessica took this round again”. Randy said, “I think that round was a dead heat, even.” Jennifer said, “I have to go with Phillip on this round, he was better.”

You can vote for Jessica Sanchez by calling 1-866-IDOLS-01 (1-866-436-5701) or Text “VOTE” to 5701 or 5703, or 5705 or 5707

Check out the video below and let us know what you thought of her performance?  Was it enough to win her the crown of American Idol?  Sound out in the comments below and let us know your thoughts.

Robyn Good:
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