John Mayer Is Humiliated And Thinks Taylor Swift Is Cheap

John Mayer Is Humiliated And Thinks Taylor Swift Is CheapJohn Mayer Is Humiliated And Thinks Taylor Swift Is Cheap

John Mayer has finally come out expressing the humiliation he felt from Taylor Swift’s oh so cheap words.  I completely forgot that the two singers had once dated, opting more to remember John’s past relationships with the likes of Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Simpson – whom he coined the term for “sexual napalm”.  But date they did, back when T-Swift was a mere 19-years-old and all puppy dog in love with the “Your Body Is a Wonderland” crooner.

When the barely-there relationship came to an end, Taylor did what all singers do – took to her notepad and wrote a song about him.  Although Taylor’s song, “Dear John” was never publically admitted to be about John, the words speak for themselves pretty clearly.

“Dear John, I see it all, now it was wrong / Don’t you think 19 is too young to be played by your dark twisted games, when I loved you so?” “Dear John/ I see it all now that you’re gone,”

“Don’t you think I was too young/ To be messed with/ The girl in the dress/ Cried the whole way home/ I shouldn’t known.”

 Riggghht. Totally John Mayer. Don’t forget he’s not the first guy who Taylor has dated in which ended poorly and a song was written about them. Think Joe Jonas, Taylor Lautner, Jake Gyllenhaal – the list can go on.

So why is John Mayer surprised?  You almost have to expect it right?  He told Rolling Stones magazine:

“I was really caught off-guard, and it really humiliated me at a time when I’d already been dressed down. I mean, how would you feel if, at the lowest you’ve ever been, someone kicked you even lower?”

Not being one to stop there, he also said:

“I will say as a songwriter that I think it’s kind of cheap songwriting, I know she’s the biggest thing in the world, and I’m not trying to sink anybody’s ship, but I think it’s abusing your talent to rub your hands together and go, ‘Wait till he gets a load of this!’ That’s bulls—.”

Hmmm…a little humiliated is right.  I say get over it. You’re the one bringing it up now after so long ago. Move on, we know Taylor has.

Image credit: PER/Fame Pictures

Sarah Silverthorne:
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