Johnny Depp Is Just Too Much Man For Vanessa Paradis

Johnny Depp is just too good for Vanessa Paradis and she knows it! Hey, Kittykats here I am and there you are – I am getting really tired about all the blabber about the great Johnny Depp and mediocre Vanessa Paradis – Vanessa doesn’t deserve him and she knows it!  Firstly, who does not love Johnny Depp – I for one have had a crush on him since 21 Jump Street, love him, sexy.  (Okay chill girl, I’m distracted let me focus, sorry).

Okay, he and Vanessa live in France, Okay nice, happy life, 2 kids, beautiful.  Now the problem comes in that he makes movies that are widely successful worldwide and very profitable.  He also happens to be one of the most handsome and desirable men in Hollywood and the whole world.  Johnny Depp has his own ticket to ride.  I mean it’s like Vanessa is nothing but a Bad Hangover! 

Now let’s take a look at Vanessa, a couple of movies European wide distribution only, and if they hit in the US we don’t know about it, where is it, (OK nobody noticed), do you see my point…

Now if your man is that public and popular pick your kids up and go where he goes, (because it’s not like your career is on fire, realistically speaking).  No she doesn’t and chooses to stay home with the kids who are way older and can travel, get a tutor.  Does everyone see the point that I’m making here.  (I know you do).

Because I would say,“hold on honey you’re going to Alaska, kids get your snow coats out, we’ll be right there”, see what I’m saying.  I’ve got a hottie potatie and he’s going away for a while, I’m going, or at least make frequent visits.

Johnny knows where he came from, he is always polite, friendly, humble and stops to talk, and (even if he won’t give you the answer you asked for, never rude).  Vanessa, now she is a little bit chilly, but polite, (European way), (hate that, say what you mean, even if it comes out bad).  You know what, maybe they just out grew each other.  He is big and getting bigger and she is …….I don’t know, because we just don’t know her – she is an unknown!!

RELATED: Angelina Jolie Slept With Jonny Depp Says Vanessa Paradis

Ok, Chickadoodles, decide for yourselves.

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