Justin Bieber and Scooter Braun Bashed by Simon Cowell Over their Grammy Snub Freak Out!

Justin Bieber and Scooter Braun Bashed by Simon Cowell Over their Grammy Snub Freak Out!Justin Bieber and Scooter Braun Bashed by Simon Cowell Over their Grammy Snub Freak Out!

Recently, Justin Bieber was snubbed by the Grammy Award committee and his manager, Scooter Braun, had a major freak out moment. He complained that Justin should’ve been nominated for his latest album and that his latest numbers, sheer amount of fans, and his immense popularity should more than qualify him for a nomination. However, now that the nominations have been finalized, there’s really nothing more anyone can do. And there’s one manager who is perfectly fine with not having his pop stars nominated. And that person is Simon Cowell.

While he didn’t directly address Scooter’s comments, it’s quite clear that he, in a very circuitous fashion, commented on Scooter’s hasty Twitter remarks. “You know what’s more important? Fans, record sales, I’ve always said that,” he says. “Maybe next year they’ll get something. Trust me. They’re not complaining.”

Oh, ouch! Do you all think this is a passive aggressive burn made by Cowell? It wouldn’t be out of character for Cowell to throw a couple low blows — and by Cowell standards this isn’t even really a low blow. If it can be considered an attack at all.

Perhaps there isn’t any correlation between the two and it was just a matter of coincidence that Cowell’s remarks seem to be a subtle commentary on Braun’s blow up remarks. But we always like to create dialogues between celebs, even if they don’t realize they’re talking with one another.

In case you want to relive Braun’s whininess: “I just plain DISAGREE. The kid deserved it.” He said. And he didn’t stop there. “The kid delivered. Huge successful album, sold out tour, and won people over. This time he deserved to be recognized and I don’t really have any kind nice positive things to say about a decision I don’t agree with.” And he finished with a tweet directed at his fans: “Looks like we get to stay the underdog a little longer.”

Let us know in the comments section below if you approve of this year’s Grammy nominations. Or perhaps we should say . . . this year’s Grammy Snubberies!

Image credit to FameFlynet

Nicholas Sanford:
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