Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Get Drunk And Fight!

Did Justin & Selena Get Drunk At A Sports Bar?Did Justin & Selena Get Drunk At A Sports Bar?

Looks like turning 18 might be the beginning of the end for Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez as a couple since they have had their first big public fight.  And it seems that it was an alcohol fueled drunken fight!  Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ashley Benson and Ryan Good were out for some drinking and dinner at a sports bar in St. Petersburg, Florida Sunday.  So far, so good – but shortly after arriving Justin stormed out of the bar followed by Selena chasing after him to their car!

The Bieb’s security team drove the battling couple down the street to an alley where they had a ‘private conversation.’  After settling their dispute, they went back to the bar and continued boozing it up.  By the time they left it was clear that the underage couple appeared to have had too much alcohol to drink.

Justin and Selena were definitely drunk and fighting – both inside and outside of the sports bar.  This type of behaviour will neither be ignored by the media nor the couple’s respective management teams – at least we hope.  Justin’s parents both suffer from serious substance abuse issues and it is unfortunate to see that he might be starting out on the road to follow them.  We reported here about Justin’s dad, Jeremy Bieber, in a drunken family brawl recently.

The entire episode brings up several questions.  Why is a licensed establishment serving alcohol to famous celebs who everyone knows to be under the legal drinking age?  Who is minding Justin and Selena – don’t they have security people who are looking out for their well-being?  Getting drunk and fighting in public is hardly legal or acceptable behaviour for any couple – let alone Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.

Robyn Good:
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