Kanye West Suggests Kim Kardashian’s Sex Tape Is Perfect For Family Viewing

Kanye West Suggests Kim Kardashian’s Sex Tape Is For Family ViewingWe know for a fact that the Kardashians are not famous for their moral values or for their distinguished etiquette. No, these bitches on a corn stick are famous due to one thing and one thing only – Kim Kardashian’s sex video. It will come as no surprise to you then that Kim’s famous rapper boyfriend Kanye West used to watch said sex tape in the bedroom in order to “get in the mood”.

According to a new report by TMZ, “Kanye has had a thing for Kim, dating back several years.” So, dear readers, what do we do if we have a crush on someone? Well, we watch their sex video of course! You see, it’s like watching people sleep, just like Bruce Jenner does when he towers over you during the night and drips his drool on your face (no, that isn’t your cat licking you…).

Hey, we’re not judging Kanye here, what else can we expect from the man that hates on people who win awards? Even if said winner is one of the worst singers in human history and sounds more like a drunken teenager than anything else…

We know for a fact Kim doesn’t mind that her baby watched her grindin’ and kinkin’ with another man on a video, because nothing ever fazes Kim too much. Have you also noticed this macabre phenomenon? Seriously, this woman wouldn’t freak out even if Bruce Jenner turned out to be a woman. She’s always as cool as… Well, you catch the drift.

Let us know in the comments below if you think Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are morons.

Kanye West Suggests Kim Kardashian’s Sex Tape Is Perfect For Family Viewing

Photo Credit: Teach/FAMEFLYNET