Kim Kardashian Sparks A Mid-East Riot in Bahrain (Video)

These Kardashian’s can’t go anywhere without some sort of drama following them and that’s especially true in Kim’s case!  Kanye West’s perfect bitch headed off to Bahrain this week to open another of her Millions of Milkshakes shops and of course the whole visit made headlines. First momager, Kris Jenner wanted us to believe that Kimmie wanted to go to the Middle East to help educate herself about the rising crisis situation but that notion was shot down pretty fast when the media realized Kim was traveling there for business anyway. You know as well as I do, Kim doesn’t actually care about world peace, she just wants to look like she does!

Anyway, the reality star took to her Twitter to tell all of her adoring fans how happy she was to be there saying, “I just got to Bahrain! OMG can I move here please? Prettiest place on earth!”. She also tweeted a photo of her with a glass of Camel’s milk saying, “Got camel’s milk?”  Even Bahrain’s foreign minister retweeted Kim’s praise of the country, but by the time Kim needed to show up to promote Millions of Milkshakes she realized that not everyone was so happy to have her visiting their country.

Protesters took to the area near the Riffa shopping center where the new store was set to open. Riot police fired tear gas to disperse more than 50 hardline Islamic protesters denouncing her presence in the Gulf kingdom and chanting “God is Great.”  Of course all of the protesters had cleared out by the time Kim arrived to open the store and the appearance went on as originally planned.

I wonder how Kim feels about the fact that Royalty, such as Kate Middleton won’t even acknowledge her but Islamic extremists know exactly who she is and even they want nothing to do with her!  Do you think Kim cares that people protested her setting foot on their soil? Does she realize that the whole notion of her wanting to educate herself on a serious situation went out the window with the “Got camel’s milk” reference? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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