Kristen Stewart Forced To Answer Robert Pattinson Questions On Balenciaga Live Chat?

Kristen Stewart Forced To Answer Robert Pattinson Questions On Balenciaga Live Chat 1011

In pure marketing genius Balenciaga is setting up a live chat forum for Kristen Stewart to answer burning questions from her fans. Kristen’s the face of Balenciaga’s perfume, Florabotanica so the web chat is inviting people to submit questions about Kristen in relation to the fashion house and perfume. Ya, fat chance. There are two major flaws in the system. Kristen Stewart’s fans are Twilight fans and Twilight fans are psycho.

Apparently Twilight fans have taken over and are bombarding the web chat with Robert Pattinson-inspired questions. Balenciaga couldn’t have expected or wanted anything else. As embarrassing as it might be for Kristen, it’s perfect for them. You can’t buy this kind of exposure. Well, actually they did when they bought Kristen but you know what I mean.

Some of the questions are par for the course including “Do you love Robert? Or do you cheat Robert???” and “What happened to Bear?” I guess Bear is the couple’s dog.

And some questions are horribly mean but funny at the same time. “Why are you doing this? You’ve never worn perfume before” one inquisitive mind asked along with “Does Rupert like this smell on you?” Brilliant. If you’re going to be an assh-le you might as well go all the way.

One person asked, “What’s your favourite letter in the alphabet?” I’m going to guess it’s not a scarlet A.

So will Kristen answer some of the questions about Rob? I doubt it. The live chat is supposed to be about the perfume although I don’t know how you can spend any lengthy time at all answering questions on that subject. I’m sure Balenciaga will weed out all of the offensive questions pertaining to cheating but they’ve got to let some Rob questions slide. It’s well documented Rob likes to lick Kristen’s arm pits. Ask if he likes the taste! There are plenty of ways to maneuver around this blockade!

The Balenciaga live chat is scheduled for next week. Was Kristen Stewart forced to do it? She probably only agreed if there weren’t Rob questions but Kristen is nothing if not unpredictable. Will she surprise us and tell inquiring minds what we want to know?