Liam Hemsworth Demands Miley Cyrus Delete Twitter Account Or They’re Through

There are some pretty obvious cracks beginning to show in the young love affair of Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth.  About two weeks ago Miley took to her Twitter to vent her feelings and perhaps it gave all of us an inside look into how she really feels about her engagement to Liam. One Sept. 13 she said this,

“ever feel like you want just…. something more. not sure what exactly… passion perhaps?” followed by “sometimes i feel like i love everyone more than they love me. hatttte that feeling,” and lastly “Thought of the day: maybe it’s not that they love you less, they just love you the most they are capable of loving.”

Miley has since insisted that these tweets were in no way a reflection of her love life or a glimpse at her relationship with Liam but I guesss he’s simply not buying it.  He has grown tired of her childish, attention seeking behavior and according to the Oct. 9th print edition of Star Magazine, she better change and quick!

“Miley’s tweet was such a huge insult to Liam. She tried to pass it off like it had nothing to do with him, but it totally affected him, no matter what she tries to say. She was trying to get his attention, but she just ended up making him pull away from her more. He thinks she’s acting like an immature school girl and he wants her to get off Twitter completely,”

I have to say, if I were with Miley and read that tweet I’d be pretty insulted too! I can’t blame Liam for feeling a bit of the sting from her words. Plus by all accounts he seems to be a decent guy that treats her very well. Maybe the nice, loyal type isn’t for Miley. Maybe she needs a bad boy to keep her on her toes!

Is the writing on the wall for these two? Is a split coming long before Miley even tries on wedding dresses? Tell us your thoughts below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Cate Meighan:
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