Lindsay Lohan Heads Back To Court

Lindsay Lohan is heading back to familiar territory tomorrow – the court room! The 25 year old will go before an LA Judge for her second probation progress report. TMZ is reporting the troubled actress will pass with flying colors.

A confident LiLo will face Judge Stephanie Sautner after completing the required visits and doctor sessions set out at her last visit in November. Lohan has clocked on at the morgue twelve times. Although she was cutting it fine – the final two visits only happening in the last four days. The star of Mean Girls also attended the required four psychotherapy sessions.

Lindsay is struggling to get acting work – so maybe the morgue training might come in handy! Staff say she’s friendly and hard working. There’s been no diva like behaviour during her regular shifts.

Tomorrow’s appearance isn’t the last we’ll see of the Playboy covergirl – but it does mark the halfway point in her probation. She has another twelve visits to the morgue to complete before February 15. Therapy is also continuing with four more visits scheduled in the next four weeks. But it’s not like she has a movie to shoot! She’s got plenty of spare time.

If she continues to toe the line – there are more shifts at the morgue and therapy classes to complete before her final hearing on March 29.

It looks like Miss Lohan may finally be taking responsibility for her wild ways and listening to the advice she’s being given by family, friends and her lawyers .She needs to play by the rules and keep her head down. The alternative is 270 days behind bars.


Melanie Usher:
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