Melissa Gilbert Dancing With The Stars Samba Performance Video 5/7/12

Melissa Gilbert danced the Samba tonight for her first dance as Dancing With The Stars continued with its eighth episode. The competition is really heating up as the remaining six couples hit the ballroom tonight with two rounds of competitive dance performances, a ballroom dance and the Trio dance — both of which will be a style that they’ve not yet performed.

We recapped the tonight’s show for you and if you want to see how all the couples did go HERE!  Did you see Melissa’s performance last week if you missed it you can see it here!

Melissa Gilbert and professional dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy dancing the Foxtrot.   Maks had this to say about their performance tonight, “Everybody had to choose a third person to dance with the Latin round next week. ‘Cause we’re doing two – we’re doing ballroom and the Latin. Our Latin is Samba and she picked Val. I had nothing to do with this choice.”

Judges Comments: Carrie Ann: I love the Maks and Val sandwich. I loved it. That was your best number by miles. What a difference a day makes you gave it all  Len Twos company and threes a crowd but not tonight. That’s your best dance!  BrunoIs it Melissa or Rita Hayward it obviously takes to to get the best that you!

Scores: Carrie Ann – 9 Len – 9  Bruno – 9  = 27/30  TOTAL 51/30

Vote for Melissa Gilbert  and Maks Chmerkovskiy at # 1-800-868-3407

Don’t forget on tomorrow night’s result show two couples will be eliminated, as determined by a combination of the judges’ scores and viewers’ votes on dances performed on tonight’s performance show. Who among the six couples will be the next to leave the ballroom? Hit the  comments and let us know who you think will be going

Watch the video below and let us know what you think? Do you think that Melissa did enough to keep him around for another week? Sound out in the comments below!

Robyn Good:
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